Can Cats See Spirits, Ghosts and Angels?

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Image titled 'Can Cats See Spirits, Ghosts, and Angels?' which explores the belief that cats can perceive supernatural entities.

We’ve all seen the scary movie where the dog or cat reacts to something no one else in the room can see. Animals have an uncanny ability to sense danger, emotions, and even things we as humans don’t fully understand.

Which begs the question, can cats see ghosts? How about angels? Or even demons?

Animals may not use a language to communicate like humans, but a true observer will realize that animals like cats and dogs do communicate by other means, and they do it very well.

The cat is one such species and, apart from communicating with their owners, they have an unspoken connection with each other and the world around them. It might seem a bit unusual by human standards, but if you observe cats keenly, they are not as unaware as many might consider them to be.

Cats and Paranormal Activity

cat Paranormal Activity

Some feline observers have found their cat stares continuously at a particular spot, a spot that was later involved in strange activity. Other examples include cats that stare at the stairway like someone is walking up and down or a cat staring at wall ghost. After staring a while, it looks like they are trying to fight something off their face.

The logical explanation might be that the cat is simply playing, while others might just think this is the way cats behave. But is that really true?

In one story, a cat lover reported that his cat was constantly staring into an unoccupied room. He later reported that he could hear usual sounds coming from the room, despite the fact that it was empty.

Did the cat see something that was not visible to the human eye?

It has been predicted that cats can see things from the spiritual world which normal people usually cannot. According to some studies, cats genuinely know more than humans. They feel certain vibrations, and that seems to be the reason they despise people who are not fond of cats.

Can cats sense evil in a person?

well, It is quite shocking, but they can sense negativity coming from certain people, and they tend to either stay away from such people or hiss at them.

They even know when their owners are going to arrive and who loves them the most. They are even capable of realizing danger when it threatens them or their owners.

Another well-known trait they possess, is understanding when their caretaker is sad or hurt. Such telepathic traits make it more believable that our feline friends are completely capable of sensing things that we humans may often not notice. This is why some cat owner believe can cats see guardian angels.

Cat Mythology

Cat Mythology

In ancient Egypt, cats were worshiped, and Egyptian culture is famous for its devotion to cats. Killing a cat was considered a crime and anyone who did was severely punished. If a pet cat died, everybody in the owning family had to shave their eyebrows.

Bastet or Bast was an ancient Egyptian goddess of protection and cats. She was the daughter of Ra and his defender – she was also the protector of women’s secrets and a guardian against evil spirits and diseases.

Not only did ancient Egyptians worship the cat, but they considered it a way to communicate with the realm of spirits. if Egyptian mythology is to be believed, cats can communicate with spirits, and it tracks that they might also be able to clearly identify one.

In fact, ancient Egyptian mythology claims cats are mediators between the human and spirit realms. Could that really be true?

Are Cats Protectors From Spirits?

Cute gray cat lying on the street

Ancient Egyptian mythology claims that cats are blessed with the power to ward away evil spirits while Buddhists believe that cats are the souls of the dead who live in the bodies of cats before they get a new life. Many folklore tales claim that dogs bark in the night to ward away any evil spirits. The same is said for felines as well.

It has been observed that cats behave strangely when they sense an unusual presence around them. It is even said that they do not like a place if they sense any psychic presence there.
Cats are also believed to see any aura or evil presence around human beings.

Many believe that cats can easily predict future as they get to ‘know’ their owner, or that they can easily sense feelings. They certainly may not be able to completely protect you from evil spirits, but they may warn you if anything bad is about to happen, according to popular belief.

What Do the Experts Say?

People love to tell ghost stories about cats, especially around Halloween. If you talk to certain animal experts, however, you may come to believe that there’s something to the idea that cats can see and maybe even interact with ghosts, spirits, or other paranormal entities.

Jackson Galaxy, a cat behavior and wellness expert along with the host of Animal Planet’s My Cat From Hell, agreed to an interview with Madeleine Aggeler, a journalist for The Cut.

When asked if cats could really see ghosts, Galaxy explained, “Cats have evolved to sense things that we, as humans, can’t. Their eyes can see perfectly with the smallest bit of light, they can hear six to eight times better than we can, and their whiskers are designed to detect everything from temperature changes to air current changes.”

While these adaptations may not be proof that cats can see the spirit world, Galaxy notes that he’s had his own experiences with odd cat behavior. His cats are always picking up energy in the house he himself admits to being a believer in the spirit world.

To further explore the subject, Aggeler spoke to Katherine Bozzi, an animal communicator who uses meditation to communicate with animals both living and dead. In an email, Bozzi commented, “Animals in general are more open to experiencing spiritual connections than humans… because they’re not culturally conditioned to dismiss these moments as pure imagination.”

It’s difficult to say for sure whether there’s anything to the idea that cats sense ghosts, angels, or other paranormal entities but a significant number of people seem to think they can.

So, Do Cats Really See Ghosts and Angels?

Sadly, cats have been associated with bad luck as well. Whenever a black cat crosses your path you either wait for someone to cross it first or you may take a turn and try going on another road. It may seem trivial, but the simple fact that we still do that shows that we must believe it to some degree.

On the other side of the coin, there are those who adore cats and don’t believe they could be associated with any supernatural abilities.

Whichever the case, we do have to admit that cat behavior can be strange at times, and that sometimes we can see them act as though they were seeing someone around. Still, believing whether they possess any supernatural power or not is entirely up to you.

Has your cat seen a ghost? Do you believe you cat has a sixth sense? Tell us in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can cats sense bad energy?

In ancient cultures it was believed that cats could not only sense bad energy but could also protect their guardian angels from evil spirits.

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About Mallory Crusta

Mallory is the Head of Content at and an NAVC-certified Pet Nutrition Coach. Having produced and managed multimedia content across several pet-related domains, Mallory is dedicated to ensuring that the information on is accurate, clear, and engaging. When she’s not reviewing pet products or editing content, Mallory enjoys skiing, hiking, and trying out new recipes in the kitchen. She has two cats, Wessie and Forest.

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172 thoughts on “Can Cats See Spirits, Ghosts and Angels?”

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  1. Barbara Berg

    One day I had just closed my eyes for my my afternoon nap when I felt the edge of my bed go down, as if someone was there. I turned to see who it was and, although there was a dent on the edge of the bed, no one was there. Then I felt hands pressing on my chest–I couldn’t take a breathe in, I couldn’t breath. I felt this pressure on my chest for about a minute before one of my cats jumped up onto the bed from the other side hissing and growling. She ran to my side, looking up at something, still hissing and growling–she looked as if she was about to attack whatever it was! The pressure on my chest was lifted. She continued to hiss and growl, looking up at whatever it was, as she laid down resting her front legs on my chest. She continued to hiss and growl for severel seconds–stopping only when the dent on the edge of the bed was gone. She then looked at me, got up, licked my cheek and laid down beside me as if to say everything was and would be ok–she would protect me.

      1. Demetri

        I took a nap dreamt about blessing my baby Mona then I woke up and slept again there was something by me that was get with a hood on.then I snort so loud that my mom heard it

        1. Karen Allen

          That have happened to me more than a few times. Its a evil spirits. Now I know what to say. Oh lord I rebuke you satan be gone from me I only go by the commands of God. I promise you that evil spirits will flee In name of Jesus Christ.

          1. Chris

            Our cat for the first time walked up to the attic and started running up and down . Once with its hairs up . I went up and took my oil and blessed the attic . I placed oil on all the doorways and commanded that all dark spirits which may have been there to leave by the blood of Jesus Christ . I yelled “ The Lord Rebuke You “.

      2. Bonnie

        After my sister passed away, my cats (seven) began playing and chasing with objects I couldn’t see. I began filming this and what they would play with were dozens of pastel shades orbs. I saw a few with my naked eye, five times. They are friendly, self-directed, playful. One cat belonged to my sister and the spheres were often around him. It gave me comfort and hope. It has been six years, three different apartments under all weather conditions, night and day. They are from another dimension and relate to the cats. They appear most often when I am sad or worried. Just putting it out there. ?

        1. Jacqueline Wallace

          Hi I can relate to this post . Because my new cat just stares into thin air. I decided to film it and I saw a white orb. The second time I filmed a few more orbs moving up the ceiling and down the wall then today around 5 am I heard outside a stranger noise. My cat suddenly looked at the window very intensely so again I filmed it and I saw a huge cat the size of my window

          1. Alicia

            I have a ghost in my house that looks like a cat about my height 5 6 caught on my camera and I think it goes inside my cat but it was changing the channel last night it turned my camera and I also put my cat in the basement twice but it got to go

        2. Zoey Spirito

          there is something living in my basement. sadie she’s never acted like this before in her whole life her pupils haven’t changed in the past three days same size they always change and she won’t leave my side like actually she’s seen something she keeps bringing me to the same area in my basement near a window and maverick three days ago when sadie started acting like this had a nightmare about someone breaking in that’s when sadie started acting up maverick started locking everything I don’t know what’s down there but it’s scaring sadie like no joke my dad sees it too she makes me follow her to the same area and meows and won’t leave until I actually look or grab her and my mom a couple days ago her sticker on her old car went missing vanished. someone took it off I’m not going crazy because my parents are seeing it too sadies my cat and Mavericks my little brother. Please let me know what’s going on I’m scared for my family’s safety.

          1. Amanda Higgins

            You should get your house blessed. If your religious get a preist from your religion to do a before dawn expulsion and bless the house and each room with holy water. Especially the basement, then when the dawn breaks and the light comes through it will wash away and keep away any bad spirits. Your cat senses these spirits and is trying to warn you.

          2. Mary

            First off put your future in faiths hand and don’t give your energy away to fear. Life is a classroom and all around us there are lessons , some difficult to teach us. If your father has seen and believes you need to talk to your dad about what to do. If nothing else a good idea is to pray with him and others in the house. If they are not religious make up a affirmation statement and have the family repeat that together about how the vibrations will change in the house. Nothing can hurt us when we are really tuned in to the emotions of faith love and hope. That is the type of warriors we need on this planet. Fight for freedom of what seems to be negitive outside us by filling up with so much joy and truth ( don’t buy into the darkness – just don’t give it any power any more. Something I might see as psychic darkness has as much power for powerful human growth and overcoming makes us more.

          3. Lisa

            Burn white sage incense sticks or smudging sticks with a window open to release the negative energy. White sage is completely safe for cats & it casts out any negative energy. Burn everyday until you feel the energy change & your mood lift. Try burning it in the area your cat keeps taking you too. You should find a change in your cats behaviour once the negative energy has gone.
            You could even walk around your home with the incense or smudging stick to make sure every room has been smudged.
            My cat keeps looking in 1 particular area in our house, my mums urn is there. He sits infront of the cabinet and stares at her urn & chirps.
            Before I had my mums urn on top of the cabinet but he would jump up & lay infront of mums urn, almost like he was protecting her.
            I acknowledge his behaviour and say to him ‘is it nana, can you see nana’. He looks at me, tilts his head & wants me to stroke him. The look in his eyes are as if he’s saying ‘Yes, you understand’.
            This may sound crazy to others but unless you’ve experienced it, you won’t believe it.

        3. Christie

          How beautiful ❤ It is my belief that loved ones are with us in Spirit after passing. Such a blessing to see your kitties interacting with the orbs ?

          1. Chris

            According to the Bible , those are fallen angels, demons. Beware and have a experienced pastor bless your place

    1. Matilda

      I am a empath and I see spirits and i have visions among other gifts. My cat actually senses about the same time I do she will come running in and do the same by protecting me. Having a cat is a good idea. Everyone was born with there third eye opened but Some people it will go dooment for different reasons. Meditation and eating healthy and plenty of water is the key to opening back up. It’s who we are supposed to be Love and Light.


        Last night, I was dozing in bed with a light on. My cat jumped on the bed and I opened my eyes, only to see a giant black and red spider (soccer ball sized), scuttling across the wall near the ceiling, The cat was on his feet watching it too. Then, poof! it disappeared! The cat then laid down and curled up. I would’ve dismissed it as a sleep-induced dream, except for the cat watching it too! What was that? A spirit?

        1. Skip

          Wow thats for real .. Lux Lenore came to me like 5 am last October screaming her little head off across the street, screaming so loud it made my insides shake, I grabbed my big stick and ran outside to see what was going on no one was there just one black baby kitten.. I assume given the time of year she was abandoned because of stupid superstitions. I bent down and ask her what happened and she jumped in my sweater the moon was bright that night like I mean bright that’s why she’s Lenore of the light.. she came to me on the morning of October 22nd since my teens I had a problem every year with trying to commit suicide on October 23rd she’s my friend and she sees things I don’t… So we watch each other’s backs..

        2. Maureen Liberta

          When our sweet little Duffy passed away, I went to bed leaving my husband in the living room with my mom’s cat Sheba whom we adopted when my Mom passed away. I closed the door and began to fall asleep when I felt something jump on the bed. I thought to myself it must be Sheba, so I turned the light on to see and Sheba was not in the room. At that point, I knew it was Duffy visiting me.

      2. Sam

        I’m an empath too. It’s a really good advice to have a cat at home. Even if your not able to fully sense the changes in the vibes you will always get a hind from ur feline pets.

        1. karen marburger

          I to am an empath.My estranged husband called in evil against me. I started feeling things crawling thru my body.This cat came to me out of nowhere, I took him in. He sees the energy that I see. When he lays next to me,I can feel the energies getting agitated and I can feel them going out of me and physically see them leaving his body and coming out the tips of his ears. He has licked like feathers from my head.He was sick and near death when I found him. I believe he was sent to me from heavenly realms for protection against these ungodly spirits.

          1. Kim Farris

            I have several photos that my security camera caught of ghost like images. Can I send them to you for advise? I also have a cat who has definitely been acting strange and today we came home from camping and my husband was petting him and all the sudden he growled and lounged on his face cuts his top lip and bottom lip with his claws. He has NEVER done anything like this before

          2. AnYa

            Hi Karen, you may not see my reply to your post as it been many months since was posted.
            Anyway, I’m also an empath, and was feeling exactly like you did.. I can’t tell if someone sent something to me or it’s because of my sensitivity that I can feel spirits. I used to feel spirits around .my body, hugging me from behind, never seen his/their faces.
            So s soon as I realized that I didn’t feel anything if my cat, MoonShadow was with me in bed. Ever since I have encouraged my cats to sleep with me. I even go looking for them, specifically MoonShadow if he’s not in bed with me.
            I came truly tell he’s my personal protector.

      3. Tanja

        I have 3 cats. In our house is so much evil about That is very Hard for me to fight. My black cat can take it and comes to me . Two weeks ago my grey cat with blue eyes gone missing. I looked at him before he gone and I never seen so much fear in a cat. After that I never seen him again. My tabby cat is his brother and he tries but can’t take it sometimes. By the way my husband hates cats,so maybe you know what I mean xx

    2. Monique Vasques

      We have been living in a new apartment for 2 weeks now. I have to teenage cats is what I call them their nine-month-old Brothers, right away they started acting very afraid I know that moving into a new place cats are afraid and have to get used to their surroundings but this was very different. Every sound noise they jump they won’t come just certain areas of the house when we call them and the one boy ended up getting boogies in his eyes we clean them out and a couple days later the other cat has Boogie’s in his eye and I mean I’ve seen this before but not as bad I really really believe there are very bad spirits in my house

    3. Phillip A. Kuhn

      It seems that humans in western countries are, for the most part, the only ones remaining who do not fully comprehend the nature and ability of kitties. I truly am glad that you are one of the more enlightened in this respect. It is quite fortunate indeed that you are friends with a being as intelligent and intuitive as is your kitty. (Please give her a kiss from me.)

      If you wish to understand more profoundly the depth of the intelligence and psychic abilities of your kitty, I would advise you to read the books and/or articles from the Tibetan Llama who goes by the name: Tuesday Lobsang Rampa. Yes, that is correct. His first name is “Tuesday”. This is part of the ancient tradition among his people to name children based upon the day of the week they were born. Personally, I find this tradition fascinating.

      This monk relates how kitties living in their Buddhist temples were easily able to detect the presence of spirit beings of all different types. Everything from a disembodied human to a djinn and anything in between. Quite a handy ability if you are concerned about spirit invaders in the home.

      And, in addition to this sensing ability, he describes an even more fascinating behaviour of these kitties. It seems they were employed in the guarding of their temples, when there were still traditional temples in Tibet, before the Chinese invaded and destroyed the country. The kitties they used for this purpose were, according to him, the local Tibetan Siamese. As he describes them, they are apparently quite a bit larger than our variety of Siamese. It seems these kitties were bred for this characteristic. They are also extraordinarily intelligent and quite fierce, toward unsavoury individuals. He tells how these kitties (an entire “squad” would be employed to guard a temple) would keep careful watch over the very precious, gold items commonly found in these temples. If anyone were so unwise as to pick up one of these items, these kitties would first casually surround the person, but would do nothing — yet. If the person then either ran, or even just walked, toward the door, still in possession of this valuable item, the kitties would, en masse, “bum rush” him, covering the thief in most ferocious cat claws and teeth. If the process were not stopped, eventually, the thief would actually be killed. He claims this very rarely happened, since the general populace were very familiar with the temple kitties and would always exercise the appropriate care when entering these temples. Yes — I should say so!

      However, exactly how were these kitties able to be trained in this way? Believe it or not, both the monks and the kitties were able to communicate with each other telepathically. Yes. Telepathically. Not using words necessarily, but mental pictograms. Sending images to each other is the means by which these monks were able to “speak” with and even train these remarkable kitties.

      This being the case, I would suggest anyone with a kitty friend try to do this. According to this monk, all kitties are telepathic. This is how they communicate more complex concepts to each other. But humans can do this as well. And because kitties are already so highly telepathic, it should be a bit easier for a human to learn to communicate with her kitty. Just a suggestion.

      And thank you kindly for your fascinating post.

      1. Margie lugo

        Phillip A. Kuhn hello there…I was very curious to know more about what you wrote. I’ve always loved cats and 4 yrs ago I raised two. A brother and sister. I felt scared at home living alone in a new apartment. They were raised and trained by my ways of kindness and my everyday routine. I spoke to them constantly. I always felt they understood me. They did exactly what I brought them home for to keep me safe and protected. I had to move and I felt they would be good to stay with my 14 yr old twin boys with their dad. They have now been with them for almost 2 yrs. Lately I’ve been hearing one of them meow. I took also a picture of myself one day and the one cat I’ve been hearing meow came out in the reflection of the picture. I feel like they are trying to get ahold of me for a reason and I don’t know why. Usually a black cat will pass my path from right to left. Only One time a white cat passed left to right and 3 bad things happened that day. I’m also a person that can sense certain things. What is happening here, can I get your opinion please

    4. Fox Drajneel

      When we got my cat she had a sister that was sick. She would always play with her sister and chase her around the house. One day I came home to my cat yowling, confused I went to my cat and saw her laying on her sister that had passed. Now my cat almost every night will run around yipping and meowing. I just know that she is playing with her sister.

    5. Sarah Nevaeh

      Barbra B. you probably need to clear your house and especially your room with sage and pray. If there are evil beings present and are actually affecting you, it means that either someone who came into your house brought them in or you brought them in by getting involved with the spirit world (doing magic, communicating with spirits, etc.) My advice to you is be wary of certain people you let into your home and to not get involved in any sort of spirit/demon activity, especially when you’re not grounded.

    6. Nanno

      Yes Cats are very territorial. Check to see if your cat is a special breed like a Turkish van. My male cat is & protects me everywhere I go. When I leave the house, he gets this look like he doesn’t want me to go.

    7. Tim Suka

      You had an experience of sleep paralysis. That’s awsome lol well at least for me they are. I have this happen to me all the time but the entity that comes to me is very positive and dosnt harm me at all. One time it aside In my ear as I felt her breath on my neck she said “ I love you” And crawled on my bed and layed next to me and held me with one arm and started cuddling me lol. And that’s just one example I have And I have so many more. It’s bugged out but it’s awsome at the same time.

    8. Karrie

      Thats awesome…My cat watches spirits around me, Im thinking they might be orbs or something, but she always lets me know they are there.

    9. Urglgrew

      The fact that you guys believe this is just sad. Ghosts are obviously not real and I’d like to see someone try and explain how they would be. But honestly, I’m probably the logical one here. There’s no way I’m actually going to believe some hippy crap like this.

      1. Alexander J. Wiltse

        yall can think what you want, but try explainingthe many, many, many, gost sightings and deaths. there is spirits, and sometimes people experience more that others, so I can see were that comes from. but keep in mind, what can’t be seen, might still be there. let a spirits be free.

      2. Bob

        Not a cat person, eh? Ghosts, no I can’t claim to have seen one, though I have been in a haunted convent late at night. We could hear footsteps on the stairs but there was never anybody there when we checked. A bunch of us started the habit of staying late in the building ( it was converted into a distance learning center) but the almost nightly activity on the stairs drove most of the students out. One night it even scared me, because there were many footsteps running down the stairs. Cats I’ve had many strange little encounters. One time I had an extreme pain n my stomach, and laid down on the bed to pet my roomie’s cat. It poked a paw hard into my stomach and the pain just vanished. Years later when the cat sickened and died, my friend became ill with cancer. I will always believe that his cat kept him alive long enough to see his granddaughter born, as that was his greatest wish. Go to a shelter and find yourself a cat with an obvious soul, and you will experience wonders.

      3. Clinton

        Hi, I am not saying ghosts arereal or not real however demons and spirits are, I never believed in such things and only believed it’s in the movies but let me tell you what I invited a guy from a club to go home with us to carry on partying only to realise he was a black witch the things he could so I could not believe it was like living in a horror movie it’s so hard to explain, witches use demons to there advantage, but if i had to tell you about that weekend t would send shivers down your spine, it’s not what you believe or dont believe if it happens to you it will happen, you may not believe these peoples stories but my man you need to wake up

        1. Lolly

          Tell me all about it? I have never seen anything, but i know of the existence. If there is good, there is evil. Have had some encounters but never saw anything. The feeling though!!! If you heard my story with my 1 year old, you would shiver too

      4. Tarable

        You will soon see my friend. We are action the middle of shifting to the new earth. And those that don’t believe that love is energy frequently and vibration. You will be one of those left behind in the old earth were the world is war, chaos, disease, famin and human slavery. If I were you I would change my outlook on what’s really going around you. UFOs are here to warn up. Cause the earth destructs because of man the whole universe will cease t exist in physical and atomical form.

    10. Urglgrew

      I don’t get how u guys think this is real. The fact that you believe this is just sad. I truly think I’m the only logical one here because I don’t believe in any of this hippie crap. GHOSTS ARE NOT REAL!!!!!!!

      1. Sean Lennon

        Try saying this if you have genuinely experienced things your whole life. It is just you cannot feel or see anything, doesn’t mean people are making it up. Come and live at my place for a week and you may change your mind!!!! I dont choose this it is just that I can see and feel and you cannot, lucky you!!!!!!

    11. Alexander J. Wiltse

      do not hate or detest gosts, for they are souls left behing in the mortal world. They are desprate spirits, and when people are desprate they do desprate thing. hate will only anger them, and lead to more unearthly events. instead, prais them and wish they go to were they belong, no matter what. gosts, spirits, demon, poltergiests, banshees, yuries, onis, and anything else will only anger over time, and key they are serching for is forgivness, weather it seems like that or not. prais spirits and set them free. let aff be hallowed.

    12. Betty L Robertson

      i have a question my new kitten runs through the house in the morning and at night before letting down looking up and meowing. I’m wondering if anyone knows whats going on with that I feel bad for her not sure whats going on with her . her name is Lilbit

    13. Delia villar

      Wow after reading your story I’m so glad to know that I’m not losing my mind. My cat and would always lay on my bed and I would always feel something moving and watching the indention on the blanket my cat would then look at me to see if I was looking in the same direction. Whenever I would stand in front of her see always looked to the side of my body as if someone was next to me.

    14. Avatar photoDonna Hooker

      Hello, My sweet kitty that I Loved very much passed away 4 yrs ago. She and I were so close. She was with me all the time. She was very special. I stayed with her until she passed.We buried her in our kitty cemetery in our backyard. I told her to come see me.
      The night she passed she came to me when I was in bed. She comes to me every night. She purrs and nuzzles in my hair like she always did.
      I feel so blessed.

  2. Mary Griffin

    I have a small dresser in the far corner of my bedroom and I have caught my cat sitting on top of it several times staring into the corner of the ceiling. I have tried to redirect his attention away from the ceiling but he is fixated on that spot. He will even stand on his hind legs and reach up as if he is pawing at something. He has done this several times as long as an hour each time. I have also seen him stare at the wall vents and the ceiling fan in the living room on other occasions but not as long. He has never growled or hissed but has meowed as though he was very excited and interested. I am very weirded out and am wondering if there’s an evil entity in my home.

    1. Sheila

      Hello Mary! My husband, 2 kids & myself are experiencing the same type of behavior from our cat. Which is why I am researching then stumbled upon this site & your comment! Things seem to be progressing fast. We have a 4 level home where the family room (where we reside the most) is above the basement then the living room, then bedrooms on the top. The middle floors are super cold all the time no matter what….didn’t used to be. Our cat sits on the stairs non-stop with her head moving as though something is flying over her or crawling on the walls. It is so scary. There is definitely something there. The past week it is getting worse, she is restless & not sleeping like normal as though she has become super obsessed. Not sure what our next step will be but I wanted to share with you as we are pretty freaked out and also say I hope in your case it ended up being nothing too serious. Sheila

    2. Bonita Lehtonen

      Try turning out lights and filming the area with smart phone. My cats did this and once filmed and I re-watch tape, flying and floating, self directed pastel coloured orbs are present. They are not scary at all. Friendly and playful. I think good spirits and family/animals that have passed are showing us that they are around us. Good news!

  3. Violet

    Today, less than 20 minutes I experience something really creepy and cool at the same time .
    I fell asleep in the living room on the couch soon after I sent out my last message to a friend. Sound of steps woke me up as if somebody jumped from the ceiling on to the floor. I recognize the steps. Then I open my eyes a little, I recognize my living room, but for some reason everything I see appears as if I was looking through a large deformed clear gals. Then, I felt somebody climb on the couch and stopped there for a moment. I closed my eyes and stayed still as I feel the slow steps coming toward me. I could feel the couch going down with every step. Then, I feel cool pressure hands like touching me. At this point I open my eyes again, I recognize the place but in clear view this time. Down on the floor sitting agitated, I see Mitzy, the cat. She is staring in my direction, but above me. I tried fighting what it was and completely freeze my entire body. I could no longer move or make a sound. I was hold like that for a good wile. I know because I could feel my left hand going numb. I kept my eyes closed and could feel struggling to breath as if cool air weight was pressing down on me. The cat jumped on the other side of the couch. I could feel her presence and her breathing, sniffing her way to me but then backed up , however she did not left me, she made a short growling noise. The Spirit must’ve read my mind because started to release the tightness and the pressure weight on me seconds after I said ”ok, ill stay still, I won’t move if that’s what you want”. I could hear the jump that it did off the couch and on to the floor and then the steps went away. At that point I i had no energy to move. I staid there thinking of what just happened. I feel as if I am falling asleep now but the Spirit returns. I know because I could hear the steps as if it jumped down from the ceiling again. Than climbs on the couch again, again the slow steps coming towards me and sat on the back of the couch. I took the chance with less fear in me and soon as I felt the cool touch I try to fight it again. It did freeze my body again, legs and arms, and had a power that took away my voice. I could only open my eyes and saw the cat jumping on the back of the couch. I can hear her hissing and growling as if was ready for attack. The situation felt as if went on for almost a minute. Then “whatever it was” jumps off the couch and on to the floor. The steps went away because of the cat, I believe. I don’t want to see what it is. I fell like the presence was still there in the room. The cat did not left me. She staid where she was and send out a long growling as an warning. I turned my body towards the back of the couch. I opened my eyes. I see and recognize my couch. I close my eyes and stay there still. The cat continues to give that same long growling warning at what ever it was. She would stop for few seconds and then I can hear her repeating it again. A long growling warning! I did not move. This went on for a while. Next thing I know and without hearing any steps something lays on the couch by my side. Wraps its cool air pressure arms like around me, holds my left hand and just cuddle for few moments as the cat growled calmly two more times before went away what ever it was. Then the cat and I reunited as I wondered about what just happened ?!!!!!

    Was this a dream or Spirits truly exist?

    I wonder if this kind of presence can be activated by our own mind as we strongly hope and passionately desire something we’ve been missing in our life for a long time. I am a single lady for a few ears. I want “that kind” of relationship in which there is love, devotion and can leave a life full of adventure with my sole mate. Wonder if telepathy play a role in this whole thing ?

    1. Bonita Lehtonen

      Yes! Invoke the name of Jesus Christ and your belief in his power and protection when this happens! The entity will leave. This is not a good spirit. Do not mess with this! Burn sage and/or sweetgrass, walk around your home, windows, doors open, pronouncing your power and telling all negativity in the name of your Lord, it is not welcome hear and needs to leave. My cats played with invisible objects. I filmed them with smartphone and lights off or low. There are multiple pastel coloured, self directed orbs floating around them and me. This is a comfort. Not threatening at all. They play with my cats. My cats enjoy them, look for them. Ask for the angels to protect you. Archangel Michael will protect you.

    2. Lisa

      It sounds like Old Hag. Some say it’s sleep paralysis but I’ve experienced it while laying on the sofa wide awake. I could see my tshirt dent in & felt like someone was sitting on my chest. It was very frightening at the time, I couldn’t move, call out for help or anything.
      I was advised that the next time it happened, I was to say aloud ‘I understand you’re trying to get my attention but could you please get my attention in a nicer way, Thank you’
      Since I did that, I’ve not experienced it since, which is over a year now.
      You can only give it a try.

    3. apa

      spirits do exist sometimes when im alone my bedroom door will open and close and my cats starts growilng agressivley

  4. Savannah

    So I’ve had my cat since she was born and she’s been my baby since, but recently she’s been super clingy and refuses to leave my room. When she does leave my room though she’ll only eat or use the litter box and then stand at my door till I open it. She’s only been clingy when I come back from a long weekend, but recently I’ve been staying home so I don’t understand why she’s doing this…Well I didn’t until the other night. It was 3:25am when Athena started running about my bed and woke me up from walking on my face. I got up to calm her down and laid back down myself, that’s when 3:30am hit. I was almost asleep when I heard somebody whistling behind me, it was some kind of song and was really loud like it was in my room. It then stopped at 3:31 am and I didn’t sleep at all that night, but the whole time Athena stayed by my side and would occasionally go over to the door to swipe at it before coming back to lay with me. Needless to say she still hasn’t left my room and that spirit is still in there, but I know if Athena is then I’ll be okay

    1. Zinnia

      You either need to move away or get a deep cleansing in that house. A cat may protect you but cannot get rid of such entity if it’s that powerful.

  5. Heather

    My cat was lounging on the sofa; I was on a chair on other side of living room and my daughter was at the breakfast room table behind the sectional when our cat FLEW off the sofa and dissappeared so fast we didn’t know where he was! I lifted up the sofa skirt and he was hiding and actually shaking. He refused to come back out. Our other cat came up from the basement and looked around, but nothing strange in his behavior, ( he’s a Persian and doesn’t seem to have our domestic guys insights…) it was freaky, it scared us!! I KNOW he saw something we couldn’t see. He eventually came back out and was very cautious at first but then everything has been fine. Poor little guy.

  6. Willow R

    Our house has had only three owners, including us. But I believe the first owner is still here, and our cats are very aware of this. They’ve always watched something on the stairs. And they follow the footsteps we hear.

    The first time I heard the footsteps my husband had already left for work, and I was upstairs in the spare bedroom. They were so distinct I thought someone had gotten into the house. I was petrified. After a good 5 minutes of someone walking back and forth in the hallway they just stopped in the master bedroom. Me and the cats went in and – no one. That I could see. The cats, however, were very interested in the corner of the room. But not in a threatened way.

    We’re now used to the footsteps, and I know since the cats are not frightened I don’t think we have anything to worry about. Several people, including myself, have seen a middle-aged man on the stairs. And that’s exactly where the cats like to watch. And follow the footsteps …

  7. Jc

    Wwooooo bai yall ni-s Cray Cray I thank I be done Los my min if som like det hap 2 me…. That’s why I don’t believe a single word of it, thanks for the entertainment though

  8. Delia

    I didn’t pay attention to my cat weird behaviour because I assumed that he wanted to spend more time with me but last night I went to bed and decided to check up on my husband who was in the kitchen via our surveillance cam. When I turned it on I saw a weird light so I recorded 2 minutes of it before getting out of bed and walking there to see what it was. I kept looking at camera feed even until I walked into the camera and it was still there but I didn’t see it with my eyes only on camera. So I walked to corner where light was and it disappeared. I went back to bed after telling my husband but the weirdest thing happened minutes later. My cat got into bed with me which he never does. Layed between my feet up until 3 am with his little head right on my leg.

  9. Rebecca

    Every time i come out to the living room from our bed,at night, she follows me. She keeps looking up at the ceiling, as if following something. After a few minutes she stops and relaxes. I have to wonder what she senses. We have Moms ashes, but she was a cat lover. Did something happen here before we bought this place? She follows me where ever i sleep/relax. Very thankful for her, as she was a rescue stray. I love my Blossom.

  10. Lizmary

    I have a cat named Emily and she sits with me on my reclining couch everyday.i have a statue of the Virgin Mary and every once in a while she stares at it and then pays attention to something else.i feel like she feels a angel or something like just glad that she stays here with me keeping me company.

    1. Piggy

      I read that having those Virgin Mary pagan symbol s are somewhat of the devil so the cat maybe seeing spirit sthere for sure

  11. April

    My precious baby lola one night was standing in front of our shoe closet around 10 pm, she just kept staring at the closed door for a good few minutes, I opened the door and she ran inside then walked out. She never went near that closet again so now everyday im afraid of that closet, like something is gonna come out…

  12. Pam

    I had two cats, litter mates, 12 years old and never been seperated. I got them when they were 8 weeks old. This summer, I had to have one put to sleep because of cancer. His brother has grieved and grieved for him. He goes through the house looking for him. The strange thing, TomToo was buried in the yard in a sealed casket. Tanner didn’t see us burying his brother. As soon as I let him outside, he went straight to the grave, sat there, looked at me and howled. It has been 3 months and Tanner still does this. He will go and sit beside of TomToo’s grave, sometimes, lays on it. Has anyone else experienced this? Do you think Tanner sees TomToo’s spirit? How does he know TomTo o is buried there?

    1. Bonita Lehtonen

      Yes! Yes! Yes! I am so sorry for your loss. I am so sorry your baby is grief stricken. They are somehow more astute in terms of connection with other dimension than we are. God bless you.

    2. Shadow

      My Maine Coon. Was doing weird. Playing but too strange. I just thought MCD are goofy clouds playing like. 20 pound kittens
      FINALLY I started videoing When he did this crazy playyng I just did it to show others for laughs. HE WAS SURROUNDED by Orbs. He was playing ENGAGING with them in what I THEN understood was Agressive attempt to catch them or swipe his huge paws loaded with claws And loves giving into his Genetic DNA of THE MASTER HUNTER KILLER.

  13. Ruwandi Jayasinghe

    I have noticed 2 times my cat looking at my direction but over my head. First time when i just got home from out side. Second time , she was on the couchm hidden behind the illow and looking at me. But when I go closer to him, he hided is head inside…looked scared. Special thing is he was looking above me very closer to celing. But my direction. But after a while he cames out side and act normal.

    But I have never felt any bad presence. I am intrested abit this. Any idea, what this might be..?

  14. Ruwandi Jayasinghe

    I noticed my cat looks my direction but over my head. Another time I noticed , the cat looks scared and staring very above my head. When I go closer he hidden his head. After a while he comes out and act normal. I have never felt any bad presence though. Any idea , what this might be..? Just my mind…?

  15. Eliza De Wit

    I did this random chant thingy yesterday at school and it was like Spirit show yourself, Spirit reveal, Spirit come to me, so I know you are real. I thought it was just a joke thing and it wouldn’t actually work but I went into my bathroom and the lights started flickering. I thought nothing of demons or spirits because I have a really old house. So I went to sleep and I woke up with the feeling of something sitting on my chest and my cat was asleep. I saw some shadows moving around my room but I was tired so I just went back to sleep. I woke up again to the sound of my cat throwing up and then running all over my room and trying to get out of my room. I cleaned up the vomit and then let my cat out of my room and went back to sleep. I felt cold hands on my leg and my leg went numb, I couldn’t move at all! my cat started running around my house growling and throwing up more. Im so scared and confused what should I do???

    1. Nithin Gutta

      That’s called Sleep Paralisis, when you sleep your brain doesn’t let your body move so u won’t act out your dreams this can sometimes happen if you don’t sleep enough or don’t sleep early enough but it might be spiritual too.

  16. Katie

    We recently just acquired our second cat immediately after moving into a new house. We also have a 6 month old Maine coon mix that we’ve had since she was 6 weeks, her name is Binxie (and yes she is black if you caught the name). Our new cat is named Wolfie, he used to be sister in laws but my husband loves this cat so much she gave him to us. Binxie was a very lovable kitten, and for some reason she stopped being so nice. She wouldn’t let us pet her and always wanted to bite. Recently she’s started coming up to me and making her little noises and wouldn’t stop until I touched her. She’s never been a very vocal kitty.

    Now onto Wolfie. This cat… he was a real butt head. He wouldn’t let anyone touch him until he came into our house. He sleeps in the bed with me every night. Some nights on my pillow. Always rubbing my legs, and letting me pet his head.

    Now onto Wolfie’s behavior, which my husbands niece and my sister in law say he’s NEVER done. He will run and chase something that isn’t there. No toys, no animals nothing, all while making weird trolling noises. I’ve even seen him running around like cats do when they are scared with theyr tail arched and stiff while meowing loudly. He has woken me up every night climbing up our head board (which is cloth) trying to climb up walls making noises like something is there. He will chase something all around our room like he’s playing catch with a mouse only nothing is there when I turn The light on. My dogs don’t even sense anything so I know it’s not a mouse. He was also just sitting in our recliner staring into our dining room like something was there with his pupils dialated and ears pulled back like he hears a high pitched sound.

    I do Have my dogs ashes. She was 17 when she passed away in 2017. Our house was also built in the 80’s so there is no telling what has happened her. My husbands step dad is finishing up his classes to become a pastor, but he said he didn’t sense any negative energy. He said if need be he will bless our home. Anyone have thoughts? It’s greatly appreciated. Also, I should Add I’m usually sensitive in places where there is negativity. I cant Even go to Pearl Harbor, every time I feel An overwhelming sadness that I cant Control. It makes me feel like I’m suffocating.

  17. Karen

    Last night when I brought my cat into my room he didn’t jump onto the bed like he usually does, instead he stayed on the floor and kept looking under my bed in a low stance with his back arched. Finally when I left my desk and layed on my bed he jumped up then started following something with his eyes all around the room looking really tense; not sure what was up but it made me pretty scared I thought only dogs picked up on spirits and stuff like that

  18. CatLover

    Cats are just amazing beings! I can tell all of you for 10000000% .. Cats can see other dimensions. We humans-also can, only not while we`re wake up. We can see those dimensions (not sure as much as Cats can), but while we are sleeping – we are there too!

  19. Monica

    I don’t have any cat in my house but it looks like cats likes my house,every now and then cat comes in wears the defferent cats and I don’t know what’s really going on ,I even thought it’s a an evil cats .pls help

  20. Andrea England

    My baby cat suddenly started growling and hissing. She was staring at something that surely she didn’t like. I was scared and I thought she had intentions to attack me. After a few seconds she calmed down.

  21. brooklynn merry

    I was about to go to bed, my cat would lay on my chest. soon later he jumped up and started needing on me… soon after she started growling at the corner and hissing. he stopped when i moved to my parents room….. my cat has staretd to freak me out… he’s avoiding his favorite chair and the same corner in my room..

  22. Christopher D Schaffner

    I had three cats the mother cat passed in the last few days. While I have been grieving the other two cats have been behaving as if nothing has occurred, ( As if the Mother cat is still here). They have felt my sorrow at the loss of mu little Miley Ray and been here for me. It seems as if I know have a Guardian Cat looking over me based on the reactions from the other two. Wile I may not be able to see her I get the impression she is still here with me.


    The weirdest thing at 12am my dog comes get me going crazy and my daughter comes tell me there is a cat on our kitchen table. I am not a big fan of cats and have never been but this cat just comes to me and allow me to pick it up and hold it. First off we dont have cats and have not idea how this cat got into our house. this has been the creepiest night every. I am afraid to go back to sleep, becasue i have always thought of cats as spirits.

  24. Dana

    Hey Cat lover, what did you mean by we can see the other dimensions just like cats , maybe not as much but we can see but only when were sleeping.
    I ask that because I have been having some really weird ghost dreams and for some reason I have been scaring myself lately, thinking something is in my house. Not long ago , THIS WILL SOUND CRAZY, but I was seeing visions of things either when I would close my eyes or when the room was pitch black. Things like evil faces or people running away from things. I would see like a woman yelling at kids, crazy , scary smiles I WAS NOT ASLEEP when Seeing this stuff. that wen’t on for a while, seemed to have gotten worst when I prayed.. For some reasons that just stopped happening to me. Now I have a bad feeling again, a scared feeling and last night my cat was acting so weird. At one point as I was dozing oiff she jumped on my bed and scared me badly, then she came up to me , I rubbed her for a minute and she jumped down and ran in the Hall way and stayed underneith my stand up key board starring at something, her behaviors were just very strange. She wasn’t hissing or meowing, she looked frighten in a way and was running around at some point, just acting different. I fell a sleep and dreamed she was on my bed attacking something but nothing was there, I woke up scared and all seemed okay. I slept with a rosery in my hands for the last two nights. I’m not even Catholic, but U am a believer of Christ. I never sleep more than 1.5 to 2 hours at a time, NEVER….. I DREAMED the other night that a cereal box was a ghost and was saying something to me but I couldn’t understand it but it seemed mad. In my dream I went and got my son and my cat Charlotte to get in bed with me and when I went back to the kitchen that evil cereal box was gone but my window was wide open with curtains and blinds gone and then there were other cereal boxes opened on the floor. Sounds stupid huh? I have had the craziest dreams lately and they’re scaring me. Everytime I wake up My cat Charlotte is not far, she is either on the bed with me or my son or in hallway out side my door. I’m freaking out. I took a rosery around my entire house last night rebuking evil spirits. I don’t know what is happening to me. Maybe I am crazy. Thoughts?

  25. Soph

    Just now my cat has been acting very strange in the lounge. Very restless, which I usually would pass off as his usual playfulness in the morning but this was different. Like he was stressing out. He kept running to the door and looking out the cat door and then doing laps of the lounge.
    Anyway I was worried about him, maybe there was something outside thay was scaring him so I got up, unlocked the front door and as I opened it it was as though another cat had been waiting outside the door and it sprinted passed me and brushed against my slippers. It was very vivid and my partner saw it too, he saw a small ball of fluff make it to the middle of the room and then, poof, it just dissapeard.
    I was quite freaked out. I’m not necessarily a believer or non believer in ghosts. I have never experienced something like this and I don’t know what it means.
    I’m trying to understand if my eyes tricked me or not. The thing that confirmed it is that my partner saw it too not just me..
    Super weird.

  26. Terri Reno

    My cat always lays in the crook of my arm at night as I drift off to sleep. Last night I was feeling like something was attached to me that didn’t belong there, don’ know what but it was not a good feeling. When I laid down my cat (Ranger) jumped up on the bed and dropped into his normal spot. He immediately stood up stopped purring and moved closer to the foot of the bed and spent the night there. I had a very bad night and as of 9:00 this morning Ranger won’t come near my chest or abdomen.

  27. Wendy

    At about 1:30 am, but cats ran upstairs chasing the laser light. One came down right away and the other stayed several minutes (the l laser was gone). When the 2nd cat came down he had a puffy tail and was acting freaked out (ears back). He then started at the staircase for 20 to 30 minutes, except when he went behind the couch briefly . After he came out from the couch, he continues to look at the stairs. The stairway was dark and living room light (where we all were). This cat is a tabby that never seems to have more than a 2 second memory. We always say he’s pretty but has nothing in his head. So I don’t know what to make of it but it was very strange .

  28. Renea Robinson

    I have 2 cats. They’re Both rescued ferals i took care of outside for yrs…i moved and brought them with me. They’re both inside now.
    My older female likes to watch TV and the Male couldn’t care less about it. He lays at the foot of my
    bed and stares up at something all the time. I feel it’s my Angels….Others have seen them and have told me they’re really big. He seems content enough. Sometimes i feel my Angel sit on the bed… but I’m Not afraid. They take Very Good care of me and watch over me and my little home and kitties very well.

  29. Ella

    I had two kittens who were litter mates one was black the other orange. When they were six months old the orange one died because of a heart defect. They used to run around the house and play with each other. And my black cat still has been doing that and attacking the air like he would his brother. So I’ve believed we have been ‘haunted’ by his brother.

  30. Estephany Fesler

    I just moved to a new apartment about a month ago. I own 2 adult cats. Since day one the male cat walks around meowing all night. I thought it might have been due to the move but it hasn’t stopped. I decided to pray for the cat and ask God to give him peace for whatever it mighty be that’s making him have this behavior and it worked but then He would do it again the next night and I would pray and He would then stop this has been going on for a week now strangely. I had a feeling that something was causing His behavior because the prayers would give him peace. So I wondered could it be demonic activity!? I searched the web and found this page and so many others talking about the same thing. I’m glad others have reported their experiences so that it confirms my theory. Thanks! Time to get an exorcism ? By the Way I did used to experience the presence on the bed as well. I thought it was my cat walking the bed but when I looked it was nothing. I used to get high and several times I was sexually over taken by these demonic entities. Back then I was not a Christian and I did nothing to stop it. I think they’re knows as sucubus and incubus. Spiritual realm is definitely real! I just had no idea the cats could see if!

  31. Chris

    Yes my cat has protected me from day one when I brought him and his believed brother who were both strays. I love them, and at first they kept hanging around by my bedroom window outside my house. I have had many supernatural events happening throughout my lifetime. I have been told by a very well known medium in my area, that I was a mystic. She told many spirits surround you. I have been seeing so many phenomenons in my life, and also hearing so many strange sounds. From Smokey shadows, full on Aberrations, half of body parts, voices that sound like someone tuning a radio clock from FM to AM. Even clear voices that sound like they came from outside, so loud and clear that brings chills up your entire body to the top of my head. I was medicated for this at a young age. Doctors thought I had a condition. Since I’ve been fighting addiction from a very young age, these dreams and spirits are intensifying more frequently then ever. But since my cat “shadow” and “ Tange” stay close to me at nights I feel there strong shield they keep up at night to protect me from the evil energy that surround me my whole life. I still fight the spirits everyday, I still have nightmares so real, I feel terrified as if it really happened in real life. But every time I wake up with a nightmare, there curled up by me to protect me and make sure I’m not alone in the fight. My cat always meows at me when I wake up from a night terror. Like as if he’s saying “ don’t worry, I’m here” I love them. I was never a cat owner also before, always had dogs. But did they change my mind on who really shows affection. Love all animals but my cats are my everything

  32. Dontpanic

    I was in germany thinking of my ginger cat that lived by my mother in switzerland. I wanted to collect tea it was a saturday in july, when i stopped next to a noisy street, cause i sensed a cat scream, later i wondered how i could hear it even. There was a dumpster with lid inside was a kitten in a garbage bag, he was ginger and i took him out he was barely alive, they maybe tried to get rid of him cause he looked weird he had his chest out like a chicken. I feeded him in my old brick house. I had ormus that i made for my plants to save him it worked allmost too well soon he run arround like a tornado. I called him Safran. Im quite empathic but i cant controll any of my gifts its more like a curse only seeing bad things unable to prevent them. Those things still creep me out. A friend who was caretaking an mansion who was owned of thule society, he asked me to look into it, the owner never lived in it cause he was scared of it. Its a beautiful art nouveau building with stainglass windows. But when i should enter the main door after him, my head bent backwards by itself i nearly fell on my back, as if my head didnt want to enter the house, i never had this before. The staircase elegant in its grandeur indoor siding doors with stainglass flowers oak floors, all ok. I sayed even in the cellar which was the same layout as above it has big windows even, it would make a good flat too. Untill i entered one room i felt it in my feet i couldnt move my feet where numb i had goosebumps all over i couldnt stand on it. There was this horrible urge to dig it up which was not mine at all, it didnt care if my fingers bleed or brake it creeped me out. I went to my house again. Several nights later i had pain in my heart as if a hand tear on me. It urged me to come back. Then i was in my beedroom my cat sitting on my bedsend, i had my nightstand lamp on was reading a book. It was late 2 or 3 am. Then suddenly my cat started to stare at the door without blinking his fur getting up i looked at the door, the handle started slowly to move i was in schock freezed of fear, the handle spring slowly go down the door opened slowly outwards the corridor. The door stops the handle still down no one visible. The handle slowly got up i was full of fear and goosebumps, there was no one. The staircase to the attic is wooden no creek downstairs stone, the other two bedroom empty i was alone. The spring in the doorhandle is strong its not natural. This happened again some days later, my cat on bed at feet end me in bed it was day around 1 or 2 my cat started again to stare at the door fur going up. Me too, the doorhandle moving slowly door opening and stopping as if someone look into my room while handle was hold down, again goosebumps sensation of being watched handle slowly got up. Which it cant naturally it jumps immeadetely you have to hold it down its a strong spring. After i tried banish this thing. I need help it scares me a lot. I saw on my phone in preview with camera at night in winter round bulbs fly around going thro a hole in the ceiling in bedroom below its creepy.
    i own the house but know i live by my mother, as i had burglers brake into it and destroyed all rooms, last time i cleaned my bedroom and music room up again and boarded several backwindows. I need help.If someone know Protection thanks my email is Greenhousegarden @web. de

    1. Victoria Poole

      My kitten has been hiding all day like he’s seen something and something has touched his fur only me and my husband is in the house. Can a spirit follow from where the passed on he looks at the walls like he sees something and hides like he’s scared of something anything will help

  33. Calli

    My cat has always been in tune with my families emotions. But very recently if myself or one of my children are crying she is instantly by our side and has a concerned look on her face and meows. Whenever I am reading Gods word aloud she starts meowing and comes by my side. And whenever I speak in tongues she comes to where I am and starts meowing even louder and seems very agitated or worried. Even when she is outside and I am inside speaking in tongues and praying she will come to the door and just sit there meowing loudly. Now last night when I was on the floor on my knees praying Psalms out loud she did the same thing. And when I started praying in tongues and I felt the Holy Spirigs Precense she came up behind me AND BIT ME IN THE BACK OF MY ARM!
    I always just thought it’s the tone of my voice I’m using because when I pray I CLAIM. I have been doing battle in the spiritual realm for 2 months now for my husbands salvation, so I speak out loud to the devil and cast out any evil spirits. And have repeatedly anointed my home and pleaded the blood of jesus. And I am always in the Holy Spirits Precense when I pray. So I started wondering if my cat maybe has an evil spirit if she does not like the Holy Spirits precense or it scares her or if it is just in fact the tone of voice I am using that scares her? I did only get baptized in the holy spirit 6 months ago and I have had her for 5 years. So maybe my new behavior is freaking her out to ? Any thoughts?
    I just prayed over her this morning. Because it also seems like she shows up as soon as I am trying to read the bible and pray to distract me and I always wondered if satan was using her….

  34. Tiri

    I’m proudly owned by my Himalayan blue pointed female cat who has been the love of my life , I am a bit sensitive to paranormal stuff like occasionally seeing fast moving shadows in the night sky or seeing fast moving shadows in my living space , I saw a fast moving shadow few minutes ago and exactly at the same time my adorable cat look at the same spot for a few second ! I was really amazed by her immediate reaction , I’m not happy with seeing things like that and my mind deletes all the weird experiences very quickly but lately I have become too sensitive to stuff like that and the only way I can feel safe is by having my cat near me , especially when I wanna sleep and the other thing I’ve discovered is the fact that when she’s staying with me whilst I’m sleeping I tend to dream nice things and sometimes my dreams can be very lucid when she’s on my bed , I love cats and dogs both but there’s something MAGICKAL about cats , dogs are easily pleased but a cat needs to know exactly why you’re trying to please her and they can read a person’s mind even before a thought surfaces , my cat knows few seconds before me if I’m going to make a cup of tea or going to pee ! But then again I’m biased towards my cat and I think she’s the most special feline in the world.

  35. The One True Cat Person

    I have a Nebelung cat named Lily and she’s the sweetest thing in the world! She plays fetch, swims, and uses the toilet. The other night I was in bed trying to sleep and I hear a bump in the hall. I have four other cats, so this is not surprising, but then they all started meowing and hissing at each other. One of them is a tortie and she’s pretty overweight, but she can open doors. She opened my bedroom door and the other cats ran in too. I got up and shut it, but I saw a tall, shadowy figure in my hall. Two of my other cats, including the tortie jumped onto my bed and curled up beside me as if trying to protect me. The other two are an Australian Mist and a Toybob. They just sat there and kept hissing at the door. Lily got down and pawed at the door and the other cats stopped.

  36. Leslie

    I have my moms ashes in a curio cabinet in my living room. Ever since I put them in there, my cat stares into it, and meows and scratches at it…it’s very odd. Is she seeing my mom? Communicating with her? Something is definitely going on. She has never done that before the ashes were in there

  37. De

    People who don’t believe in a cat’s spirituality makes me wonder…just observe them!
    Ive had cats since 3 yrs old and they have always been attracted to me..ferals…strays..whatever.
    But one cat particularly named Mudewa was my healing cat..some cats are and there’s no real way to explain.
    I’ve been ill since 16 with Crohns..and when i got her my Crohns was a little bit in remission.
    As I got sicker she would stay with me in bed not moving unless going to catbox or to eat a little..right back to bed with me.
    This went on for 13 yrs of her life.
    Shed lay on my stomach( the area of great pain) or lay at my head when migraines happened. I know she knew where and when the pain was.
    She was born with Feline AIDS and made it to 13….I was blessed to have her comfort at times when I wanted to give up.
    I’ve never had a cat since anytjing like her.

    My male cat now Guiseppi…is very protective…does that yowling meow always @3-4am…comes into my room afterwards and lays close to my side or on my legs. Im an amputee now and he insists on laying on my 1/2 leg…mostly hurts me at night..he knows.
    Our new house he seems fine in but he wont leave me at night…not sure what the night stuff is but he may sense something.
    I couldn’t live without cats in my home…people do need them.
    One last thing..he warned us of a tornado approaching before I heatd the news….crying…yelling…going to windows..
    Then the winds picked up..80mph with heavy rains…all our neighbors trees fell and crashed..ours stood tall.
    This happened with our hurricanes we had here in NC..2016..2018…and I know we are protected by angels and my cat(s).

  38. KarmaKitsunexox

    over night, my mum woke up to feed my baby sister maymuna, mum needed the toilet so she sat may on the floor and watched the camera to make sure a mouse or something doesnt come, then when she was hopping off, she saw something white, realy fast and orb-shaped, she thought it was a rat at first so she ran into the loung room, seeing no mouse or rat, this strange thing, stil circling may, was on the camera, but not realy there, she was looking at may and the camera, the ting wouldnt stop, my cat, grange, looked through the window then, the thing stoped, granged hissed and the thing just… vanished, im not sure what happend, but when i woke up, mum showed me the video and told me what happend, i feel like thers some sort of strange presence in my house…

  39. KarmaKitsunexox

    another strange this happend, but this is not related to cats, once, my sister khadheshia (khad for short), was trying to sleep, she suddenly got realy cold, and needed the toilet, she walked over to the toilet, and instead of going there, she just stood there. There was a human sitting on a rocking chair, that had never been there before, she was in between the toilet room, and the laundry, khad went back to her room and slept, now every night, she goes to that same spot in front of my room, in between the toilet and the laundry, and just sits where the girl was sitting.. for hours, after about 4 hours she heads back in her room and sleeps, i think she might be possesed, but im a bit lucky for that, because before she started doing it, the human sang the song that she sang when her room gt cold, and she needed the toilet, yu know that lalaby that goes, la la la… la la la… la la la la la la la. over and over, she sang right in front of my room, and every night khad didnt sit there, when the girl started singing, i stop breathing, and see her in my dreams

  40. KarmaKitsunexox

    every night when the girl stops me from breathing, i hear everything, extreamly loudly, i always heard my cat grange licking his self, stop, and dash throught the laundry window, str growling at it, then leave, at that point, when she stops singing, i can breath agai, ever since i have had a fear of closing that window, and when its closed, i open y own, and re open the laundy window, im only 10,and i have a stresful life on its own, i dont want to have even more stress, somebody please tell me how to stop my sister from doing that without the little girl singing, please. I have tried saying leave in the name of jesus, and putting the salt and holy water everywhere, but it wont work, i cant even last a minute without looking all around me to chek if somethings there

  41. KarmaKitsunexox

    once my mum saw a spirit orb, and my cat scared it away, it was running around in circles, it was very blurry at night, so it wasn’t visible properly, it was circling Maymuna, my baby sister
    And mum thought it was a mouse, she went in to take her from
    the floor, when she noticed nothing was there, but it was still
    showing up on the camera., my cat, grange, came to the window, the spirit orb stopped, then he growled, it must’ve scared the orb away, in the morning i woke up early, and mum showed me this, she was lucky, because the camera only just started saving the footage last night, and if it hadn’t, i would believe her.

  42. Sixth sense

    My daughter son and I once lived in a house that was full of activity…. Of course we were all little skeptical at first because we never actually saw any ghost b4 in our lives. Well, right after moving in the 1st thing that my parents would smell was the smell of rotten eggs. We started noticing black mode on the cinder block. From there, The hauntings would start with my son seeing an apparition of a partial female Indian ghost peeking in @ him from the side of the door frame. My niece getting woken up by spirits telling her everything will be OK and a bright light in her face. I was woken up by a spirit whispering my name in my ear…. My daughter was reading a book in the kitchen and some strange activity was circulating around her so she got a little skeptical by getting mad and her cup slid across the table. So she flew up out of her chair and ran in to another room and said she didn’t want to talk about it…. My two dogs and my cats were acting strange the whole time we living in that house. Of course I tried to tell my friend but she was totally a non believer…. Then, My black cat would refuse to go in the house always laid in the gravel road, where eventually she was hit by a car. We eventually decided to move because of all the strange activity occurring around us….

  43. Cat

    For my birthday one year I got a kitten called Fluffy , but unfortunately she had a heart condition. She passed away when she was only 4 yrs old. Then one night i was crying about her and i asked her to be with me and she actually did cos i suddenly felt a big weight on my legs and it was very warm and i truly believe it was Fluffy

  44. Michael

    My two males were sitting out in the courtyard one evening. Both of them saw something up on the roof, kinda kiddie corner from them. They both watched it go over and above me where I was standing. Next they watched it drop down next to me and both of them turned and ran into the house and they were low to the ground. You ever seen a scared cat, they sort of crouch when they run and that’s what both of them did. I have goose bumps just typing this story in.
    I also shared it with many people and many of them were freaked out. One night I was scared to close my eyes, But they can see what we can’t. There was no other explanation. I no for sure there are entities around that we simply can’t see.

  45. Sky

    I had a dream where I died at work then came back to my families house, my family couldn’t see me but my cats did, I knew I was dead but I also thought I was still alive so I touched my cats head to pet her and moved her head and stared at my hand like my hand was a threat and she looked and kinda hissed. But it was only a dream…… in real life I would wake up to my cats sitting there watching me eyes wouldn’t blink, they would do M it all night. One day my cat jumped on my bed and started looking up at the window. She looked a little shooked. She didn’t hiss or anything she just looked up at the window that was beside me. She layed down and was still staring calmly and looked away calmly. I dont know what it was, if it was bad then she would of hissed but she was calm, idk what it was.

  46. ???

    So I know this might be childish but in my house, we have two floors and I use to download ghost apps to try and spook myself but it never worked altho I noticed that on every ghost app I’ve got there is always a ghost on my second floor and before I got my cat there was always an evil presence and we would see things but I got a specific cat a few months after and I decided to stop going up there after I was told by a family member they saw and face and it was just me and that family member and it wasn’t me so I decided not to but I went up there and my cat was out but when I went up there she would follow me even in my room she would just lay there until I went down But when she was up there she would guard my door even if it was sitting on something and would randomlyl jump on my desk witch when im downstairs she wouldnt do at all so i found it weird but the catch is she looked like she saw something over me or would be spooked by things coming from near the door i always feel a presence still there but it stays away from my room when shes with me tho and this goes for every room and if someone else is up there in a diffrent room or in the same room she protect that person to just wanted to tell yall my story. And it still happens now

  47. Sarah H.

    Has anyone had experience with a cat doppelganger? I have several pets and I put them outside in the fenced backyard so I could vacuum. I was vacuuming and saw my young cat Caesar galloping up the hallway and into the family room. I said out loud, “how did you get back in here?” I brushed it off thinking maybe he snuck back in before I closed the door. I went in the family room but didn’t see him. After I put the vacuum away, I looked out and saw Caesar on the patio playing with the dogs. There was no way he could have been inside. This is a family home that I inherited and so it could have been a former pet ghost. All I know is that I was wide awake and I was looking right at it.

  48. Gypsy

    Our 15 yo cat sees her brother who crossed over a few years ago. She often stares in the glass of our faux fireplace for long periods of time. Also we adopted 2 males over a year ago. One of them sees the cat spirit in the house as he watches it at cat height and his moves seem to be that! I actually do mediumship and that male comes to me purring from anywhere in the house if I’m meditating or working, he loves the loving energy!

  49. Winston 2

    I just moved to a new apartment. Living on the grounds I saw a few cats and every time I pass them they run away really fast. One time I had my lights out with the porch door open relaxing in my new abode all of a sudden I heard a loud hiss in front of my screen door. This happens everywhere I go.
    Cats used to be friendly but not the last 5 years or so.

  50. Winston

    I just moved to a new apartment. Living on the grounds I saw a few cats and every time I pass them they run away really fast. One time I had my lights out with the porch door open relaxing in my new abode all of a sudden I heard a loud hiss in front of my screen door. This happens everywhere I go.
    Cats used to be friendly but not the last 5 years or so. It’s a mystery and maybe spiritually things changed for me I’m not sure.??

  51. Brandi Dobson

    I have a 2 year old cat named Paws. I have had him since birth and adore him. He was fixed at 6 months old. He is playful at times…and a lover more. We have bern in our home since Feb. anf he recently started to stare at coners in different rooms. I myself have heard things with nothing around. Tonight, my husband heard a noise that he can’t explain. I believe there is a spirit here, but he is up in the air about it. Any thoughts?

  52. Janice Rossell

    Most likely your cat sees spirits, I have the same thing with my cats,my cat wakes me up every night , because she sees something, one night I decided to do a vedio, and when I played it back something ,like a mass sled up at en of my bed and formed into a big cat,and than swished away.another time I jumped out of bed , and took a couple of pictures with my phone,and there was this weird formation in .the picture, it look like some kind of flesh formation about 12inches high.It’s been 3 years and I just live with it.I’ve had a lot of sleepless nights ,but I’ not afreaid.I try not to pay attention ,but my cat wakes me up.Sometimes you can hear sounds when you play back vedio.

  53. Adam cowell

    My cat simba loves sitting on a chair in my front room. But today he was scared of it.

    I was stoking him on his cat tree when he was looking at his chair. So I picked him up to put him on it. He did not won’t me to put him on the chair. He got scared. 2rd time round I dropped him on it. He jumped straight of like he got jumped on. He was scared. So I let him be. I’ve never seen him do that b4. He is 4 just gone. Some kind of spirit he saw

  54. Weeb2006

    I have a kitten named soybean, and there is this thing I don’t quite understand. He a lot of times gets up on the table and begins to meow and look up in the ceiling his eyes following something as if it was a fly, he begins to change places. First, it’s on the table and then now it’s the bathroom. When he enters the bathroom he lays on the carpet and rolls over meowing and purring at nothing. Not too long ago I went to the restroom and closed the door, to find when I got back the door ajar and my cat in a position as if he was looking at the door the whole time. I’m just wondering if there is really a spirit in my restroom, most of the time I feel calm, and then the second I feel slightly scared.

  55. Deloris


  56. Geng

    Cats are weird when I was in a friend’s room a cat is staring at a really dark room and I use a spirit detector and in fact there is a spirit (a demon spirit) we nicknamed

  57. Dakishimetai

    Yeah,I had one heck of an experience long ago back in 1997-8 forgot when,my cat suddenly shouted and make a loud low meowing voice as he jumped from the shoe cabinet,where the window was,hiding and cowering in fear as he stare glaringly out of the window pane,well my window was an old fashioned window with lever to open and close with 8 window glasses stacked horizontally together,there was one missing glass and the lowest one,I know he saw something thru the missing glass panel,but I could not find what it was,it was about 10-11pm at night when this strange incident occurred,I search multiple times and went outside to search what it was,that’s making my cat so frightened,but he kept staring at the same spot for about 30mins… He calmed down afterwards and it never happened again,this was an old story and my cat had already passed away,been 22-3 years,i will never forget that experience because I knew he saw something supernatural because his black pupil became so large and his ears were going downwards…idk if it was a spirit or an evil one,thanks for reading 😀

  58. Amelie

    One night i was dreaming about good stuff with light and sun and stuffs like that and then suddenly my dream drove me into a black room with only one person i knew(not that well) and with some strangers. then that person i new she had a box with some kind of demons wich you were forced to talk to them and ask them whatever you want .. i was scared and due to i was scared once i got my little demon (it looked like a ear with eyes and hands and legs ) i didn’t even know what to ask him and i just asked him some shits about school and if it was okay(questions that i shouldn’t ask him , i had the feeling that my questions where not what the demon expect ) then the demon answered me back but then i put the demon immediately into the box and then i just felt that i woke up and i looked right and left and then i had a feeling that something was around me and i got under my blanket and closed my eyes then i had the feeling that someone was walking on me and it was trying to choke me and i felt it so real that i started crying .But i did had the feeling that it was my cat who did that to me ,but no he wasn’t .. once i woke up for real now, i couldn’t move any part of my body i just had a sleep paralysis and then once i got up i saw my cat on my desk which that means that it wasn’t my cat who was choking me and scratched me … i stand up and went to the mirror and trying to see myself and answer me what happened .. i wanted to see my scratches because i felt that my skin was burning but i was too scared that if i was gonna see the scratches something it will happen’s been 2 weeks approximately since i had that dream and since then my cat every night he’s standing to the wall behind my desk and he’s just staring to the wall with no reasons.. some times he’s sleeping and he’s woking up just to go next to this wall and staring at it ..

  59. Vicky

    My cat sparrow jumped on my lap last night for his usall coudle before sitting down he heard something looked at the door and then went completely still head down but eyes watchful he was like that for more than twenty minutes after which he then settled down for his usual nap

  60. Ki.berly

    Hi i have two cats that are possessed and need help please there are evil spirits that are bothing them please help them out i dont like them like this it is scary please pray for baby taz and tiger ok please chuck McCormick is behind this he pass away a but two years ago please help me out ok thank u for ur time kimberly fava

    1. small mallory photoMallory Crusta Post author

      Sorry to hear about your loss, Andrew. I hope that your cats help to bring you comfort. Thank you for sharing your story with us—wishing you all the best. – Mallory

  61. Stephanie

    I came here because I catch my orange tabby staring down the hallway all the time, like someone is there. Just a few minutes ago, we were in the laundry room, he looks passed me out the door, his eyes went wide, he jumped off the washer and ran out of the room. He didn’t hiss or make any noise. Just ran. I went after him, and looked around. He was, again, staring down the hall, crouched low to the ground. There’s just the 2 of us here. I believe in ghosts and spirits, I believe because of dogs and cats heightened senses they may feel and sense things we can’t. But this boy is freaking me out! Is there really someone or something else in this house?

  62. Julie Connors

    Five years ago my mom was diagnosed with ALS. Her death was a short 3 months later. Her ability to walk, talk, eat and breathe all diminished and ended in those 3 months. I was taking care of her and the day she died I didn’t feel she would make it through the day, so I had my sister there and my mom’s sister. We were all sitting in the bedroom around her bed and she was really out, due to pain medications. A little while later one of my cats came in and sat on a chair facing her bed. My mom was having a great deal of difficulty breathing and she was reaching her arms outward toward a religious picture in the room. My cat was watching her very closely. My mom then put her arms down and in a couple seconds or so she was gone. At that moment my cats head went from looking at her to following something ?? that went up to the ceiling and kept his attention for maybe a couple minutes. I checked my mom’s vitals and she had indeed passed. After all our tears, we talked about (Frank) my cat and did he just watch my mom’s spirit rise out of her body?? I believe with everything I have, that my cat watched her spirit leave her body. I hold that image in my head all the time, of him moving his head slowly from her to the ceiling. He looked like he was watching her rise out of her body and I have never seen anything like this. I believe cats do see things we cannot, as well as dogs and I love that I have that picture in my head for years to come. My mother was my best friend.

  63. Angie

    I actually have a cell phone video from 2012 (ish) of my cat. I just thought he was acting funny so wanted to send it to my GF at the time. After I reviewed the video just before texting her, I saw, plain as day, a light orb that he was directly chasing. I couldn’t see it when I was recording, with my own eyes or at the phone screen, but it was clear as day when I replayed it.

  64. Tia

    I have had two near death experiences in the last 20 years. The first was approx 15 years and our cat’s name was Casper. We had had him since a kitten and had lived on a small farm. He was always looking after the goats and chickens. We then moved to a house in town. One day I was working in the garden, digging a tree stump out and had made a hole about 3 foot deep. Casper was nearby watching me. I passed out and slumped into the hole. Casper came to me and sat on me and loudly meowed to alert my husband who was working in another part of the garden. He saved my life. A few years later Casper was murdered with a golf club by a neighbour. Casper had been sitting on the fence like he did every night and this excuse for a human hit him with full force in the back, crushing his spine. I found him a few hours later hiding under a trailer, still alive but in serious pain. We had to have him euthanised. I felt useless that he had suffered and I could help him at all. Right up to this day I still curse the guy that took his life. The neighbour moved away shortly after and I heard that he was in a serious accident not able to work anymore. What goes around, comes around. We still have Casper’s remains interred and with us protecting our front door. In 2012 we were adopted by Anzac and in 2018 we found Lulu. See my next post about Lulu

  65. Crystal

    Yesterday, I got my 2nd Covid19 vaccine. However, today I feel like crap regardless of how often I tried moving my arm prior to avoid soreness I still feel like crap! Much to my surprise, my girl cat (who is generally unaffected) I find laying on my arm that was injected. I woke up and she started kneading my arm then she bit my arm a few times, not in an attacking way either. Yet, I found that quite strange since she isn’t really affectionate on a typical day. She just seemed to intuitively knew that my left arm was bothering me.

  66. Ashley Lynn

    Not trying to be rude but shut up about the “the black cat bs” there is no such thing as bad luck at all… do your research about black cats actually! But that’s all I wanted to say due to the fact I seen that and it’s upsetting cus I have a black cat and nothing bad luck about her! They actually good luck cats if you read!!

    1. Tracey

      Black cats white cats any cat they beautiful and I get so angry when they are classified as humans classify each other, love all Gods Creatures Great and Small.

  67. Harvey Phoenix

    Hi I just wanted to share an unusual occurrence! I am at this site right now because I looked up, can cats be born possessed). Well any way to make a long story short my mom came to visit me the other day. She wanted to run to the market, I didn’t drive my car she wanted to know if I felt like driving her car to the market. I left with her without even going into the house to retrieve my phone before leaving. Anyway while in the market talking to my mom about how she was feeling that day her phone rang and it was my cell phone calling for a face time chat! I haven’t called my mom that day, it has a screen lock with 157 phone numbers and to top it off it is an IPhone! The kitten was born in the house and she isn’t entirely black she has a white stomach and has white under her arms with long hair. So can you answer that one?

    1. small mallory photoMallory Crusta Post author

      That is an unusual occurrence indeed. I certainly don’t believe that your kitten is possessed. Instead, my best guess is that you’re experiencing a weird iPhone fluke. I looked up this issue, and there are a lot of people in the Apple support discussion board saying that they had similar experiences (their phones Facetimed someone from their contact lists). I’ve noticed that more than one of these people say that their AirPods were in use when the phone Facetimed a random contact (or other number), so it’s worth considering a potential connection there as well. This question, for example, has been marked as “I have this question, too” by 543 people, so you’re not alone.
      Hope this helps!

  68. Tracey

    Last night or early morning didn’t bother checking 31 Aug 2021,
    I believe I was attacked by an unseen entity, I couldnt breath it felt like I was been strangled. I couldn’t wake my husband or reach for him, I was paralysed, I watched how my cats dived off the bed hissing and in the attack formation encircled position all 4 of them they were first looking up then level almost as this thing was on all fours, they went wild all the time protecting our bed, they hissed and their tails flared and ears flat just went into a wild frenzied attack on this unseen entity, they attacked with such vengeance this thing hit our gas heater as it moved. My kits just didn’t let up this was a true fight I Started saying the Lords Prayer and cleansing Prayer of Our little home. I believe we were attacked by something sent, besides my cleansing Prayers and My Heroes My Fur Babies That thing didn’t have a chance, they are already very protective of us, but to fight for us amazed me, Yes we are tuned into our fur babies and them us, My fur babies have been in our lives since they were 2 weeks old. We love them with all our hearts and if we go out we need to get our trusted baby sitter they know and love or we just don’t go.

  69. Barb

    While I am asleep I keep feeling as though a cat getting comfortable (kneading) on bed at my feet
    It wakes me as I do not have a cat

  70. Gsjdoake

    So I have a cat named Max I’ve never seen anything paranormal but one time he was sleeping with my mom when she felt a pain near her teeth, then Max all the sudden put his paw on the exact spot as if he was trying to heal her and some other time I noticed Max putting his paw on my mom’s neck she said that her neck was hurting but I wasn’t really sure. We usually talk about how max has healing powers, think there have been some more incidents of him healing us, I don’t know why but we all notice max always loves to stay around me instead of other people, lately I put a chinese lantern for the mid autumn festival and he gets scared of it so much maybe it’s because it’s big and bright red or maybe it’s the fact that the lanterns are sometimes said to ward off evil spirits.

  71. Debbie

    My kitties often gaze towards the ceiling with peaceful upturned faces.
    Most especially when I am praying to the Lord Jesus. I believe they can see the Lord’s Angels.
    The Lord loves cats! He protects them with His Angels too.

  72. Fredajlo

    I adopted my cat Annie shortly after my sister in law passed away. She was a cat lover and my preference was a dog. Annie was abused and had been stomped and she suffered a broken pelvis. When I saw her story, I knew I had to care for her. I do believe cats see spirits and I have captured orbs on camera. It started out as if Annie was playing with someone on the bed so I started recording. The orbs come from me to Annie and around the room. I do believe they are Angels watching over us.

  73. The One

    Aww, kitty kitty. In my time on this earth I know they know more than I have given them credit for. Kitty kitty loves me & they are beautiful animals that do sense more than humans can comprehend. Aww, kitty kitty.

  74. Jay

    My cats are jumping around my room, one of them in particular. She keeps meowing while going back and fourth from one side of my room to the other. My other cat has been staring at the same spot in my room for a while now too. It’s 2 AM and this is all freaking me out just a little bit. Idk if it’s ghosts or they hear something in the walls. Whatever it is, I’m not too sure if I wanna go back to sleep.

  75. brenda


  76. Ando Berty

    Wow, i have spent the morning reading through all of these comments. To say the least, this has given me some hope and understanding of what is going on with me. About a year ago after moving into this apartment, i started hearing noises. Especially at night, they were not at all muffled, as if coming from downstairs and not from the next apartment. The sounds ranged from marbles dropping on hardwood all the way to my couch being dragged across floor. After months i finally realized; i spent my entire life disbelieving in supernatural spirits, but i have since accepted that there are spirits here. I am now a christian, after a lifetime of atheism. A friend guided me on a way to pray, and from that night, i didnt hear any more sounds. Not a single one. But since then the sounds have come back, and I believe i must not be right with god as i was that last time i prayed the spirits away. My cat ALWAYS and i mean always, sees things in my apartment i dont. I too feel her jump on the bed, just to realize my cat is not in the room. It is joyous to read so many similar stories. The ones talking about praying are correct. To the ones who think that seeing these spirits is a blessing, you are possessed by demons, and it is a curse not a blessing. I fear perpetrating that lie will be bad for you, as ive seen it. Two of my friends have “schizophrenia” but all three of us believe they are possessed by demons. Its time to repent, get some insight from your chosen religious official. God bless yall.

  77. K. Anne

    On my birthday (2022) (the first one since my mother-in-law died), I was laying on my bed with my cat on top of me. All of a sudden my cat stood up, with her fur standing up on her back, and she began to growl with her eyes wide open. She was staring intently at a hall door that opened into my bedroom. We both looked at the door and then it SLOWLY, very slowly, opened completely on its own. I was the only person in the house at the time. That door typically has a hard time staying open since the house is old. No doors or windows were open at the time, and I didn’t have the a/c or heat on. Oddly, I wasn’t frightened at all because I felt the strong presence of my mother-in-law, but my cat was terrified and she ran off. My mother-in-law was a very religious woman, she loved everyone and constantly prayed, and she treated me like a daughter for almost 40 years. We were very close. She died one day after my birthday the previous year (2021). Prior to this incident, my cat had been acting strangely for about a month. She would stare at the ceilings, act frightened and hide, dodge things that I couldn’t see, cry, and she began fur mowing (licking all of the fur off of her stomach). Perhaps cats do have additional senses that their humans lack. I also believe in Angels, and God, and I don’t necessarily think bad things are happening in a house when something unexplained happens. What one perceives as scary or bad may simply be a blessing.

  78. Sandra Carstensen

    I’ve had numerous cats pass in my house, I believe some are still with me. I feel them jump up on the bed while I’m laying there. All my current cats stare at an area on the stairs to bedrooms. I think they see one, maybe two or more, of the cat spirits in my house. Even the new kitty I got recently stares at the same area. I truly believe someone is still with us.
