7 Cat Breeds That Actually Like Water

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Image of various cat breeds that enjoy water, showcasing their playful and adventurous nature in an engaging and captivating group scene.

We know that cats our individuals by nature, but there are many cats out there of various breeds and mixed breeds that share common traits.

One thing that most cats are not a fan of is water. However, there seem to be particular breeds of cats that like water and are here to debunk the theory that cats hate water.

Some, so much so, that they’ll even fancy themselves a swim in a pool or even a body of water. Are you curious to know which cat breeds like water? Just keep reading to learn all about these water-loving cats!

#1 Maine Coon

Image of a Maine Coon cat, one of the largest domestic cat breeds, sitting regally and displaying its majestic appearance.

Although most Maine Coon cats today are happily homed and domesticated, this doesn’t mean they don’t hold on to their natural swimming abilities and love of water.

Breed Overview
Maine Coon Origin:
? Where this breed was first established.
United States
Maine Coon Height:
? The typical adult height among individuals of this breed. Height is measured from the top of the head to the bottom of the front paws.
10" to 16"
Maine Coon Adult Weight:
? The typical adult weight range of this cat breed.
9 to 20 pounds
Maine Coon Life Span:
? The average lifespan of the breed. While life expectancy is fairly consistent across all cat breeds, some breeds tend to live shorter or longer than others.
9 to 15 years

When it comes to Maine Coon cats, these fluffy and large-and-in-charge felines of the cat world have a thick water-repellant coat double coat that’s helped them to thrive in the wild for centuries.

Although most Maine Coon cats today are happily homed and domesticated, this doesn’t mean they don’t hold on to their natural swimming abilities and love of water. Many Maine Coon cats out there will willingly submerge themselves in water, sneak into your shower, or even spend hours on end playing in faucet water.

#2 Manx Cat

Image of a Manx cat, known for its taillessness or short tail, sitting gracefully and showcasing its distinctive feature.

Originating from the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea, life by the water is nothing new for these beloved tailless cats.

Breed Overview
Manx Origin:
? Where this breed was first established.
Isle of Man
Manx Height:
? The typical adult height among individuals of this breed. Height is measured from the top of the head to the bottom of the front paws.
Manx Adult Weight:
? The typical adult weight range of this cat breed.
7-13 pounds
Manx Life Span:
? The average lifespan of the breed. While life expectancy is fairly consistent across all cat breeds, some breeds tend to live shorter or longer than others.
12-16 years

Originating from the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea, life by the water is nothing new for these beloved tailless cats. These playful dog-like felines are known to lead themselves to water, whether that’s in their home or when they travel outdoors.

This cute cat breed is so fond of water, that many Manx cat keepers report their feline friends will eagerly splash and frolic in it. Just another purrfect reason to love these naturally-occurring tailless kitty cats!

#3 Bengal Cat

Image of a Bengal cat enjoying water, a breed known for its wild appearance and striking coat patterns, showcasing its playful and adventurous nature in a refreshing scene.

While it’s true that all cats are truly individuals by nature, almost every single Bengal cat you meet has a fondness for water.

Breed Overview
Bengal Origin:
? Where this breed was first established.
United States
Bengal Height:
? The typical adult height among individuals of this breed. Height is measured from the top of the head to the bottom of the front paws.
Bengal Adult Weight:
? The typical adult weight range of this cat breed.
6-15 pounds
Bengal Life Span:
? The average lifespan of the breed. While life expectancy is fairly consistent across all cat breeds, some breeds tend to live shorter or longer than others.
12-20 years

Bengal cats are beloved by cat lovers worldwide for their glistening stripes and spots, and also for their fun-loving personalities. The Bengal cat is one that will let you know exactly how they are feeling by way of their mighty meow, and they are also keen to let you know they want to get their water play on because they’re known to gravitate to places in their homes where water is present.

While it’s true that all cats are truly individuals by nature, almost every single Bengal cat you meet has a fondness for water. And because of this common trait, this is why they often rank high on any list of cat breeds that like water.

#4 Turkish Van

Image of a Turkish Van cat, recognized for its distinctive coloration and love for water, captured in a playful and refreshing moment.

This ancient breed of cat loves water so much, that it’s been nicknamed “the swimming cat.”

Breed Overview
Turkish Van Origin:
? Where this breed was first established.
Turkish Van Height:
? The typical adult height among individuals of this breed. Height is measured from the top of the head to the bottom of the front paws.
9"- 11"
Turkish Van Adult Weight:
? The typical adult weight range of this cat breed.
7-20 pounds
Turkish Van Life Span:
? The average lifespan of the breed. While life expectancy is fairly consistent across all cat breeds, some breeds tend to live shorter or longer than others.
12-17 years

This ancient breed of cat loves water so much, that it’s been nicknamed “the swimming cat.” With that being said, there are actually interesting tales surrounding this intriguing nickname. The Turkish Van cat has a long, soft coat that helps them to glide through the water, and their frame is expertly designed to enhance their swimming abilities. So, really, these cats are built for swimming!

A native cat breed to the area of Lake Van in Turkey, it’s believed that ancient Turkish Van cats would fancy themselves a swim across the lake to hunt desirable prey. Another legend surrounding the Turkish Van even involves two Turkish Van cats leaping from Noah’s Ark to swim ashore. Whatever you want to believe, the modern Turkish Van cats of today still hold true to their “swimming cat” moniker, as you can find several images and videos of these cats on YouTube happily swimming in pools and bathtubs.

#5 Turkish Angora

Image of a Turkish Angora cat, known for its long, silky coat and elegant appearance, sitting gracefully and exuding an air of charm and beauty.

Turkish cats can’t get enough of water and seek it out regularly in their homes.

Breed Overview
Turkish Angora Origin:
? Where this breed was first established.
Turkish Angora Height:
? The typical adult height among individuals of this breed. Height is measured from the top of the head to the bottom of the front paws.
8"- 10"
Turkish Angora Adult Weight:
? The typical adult weight range of this cat breed.
5-10 pounds
Turkish Angora Life Span:
? The average lifespan of the breed. While life expectancy is fairly consistent across all cat breeds, some breeds tend to live shorter or longer than others.
15-18 years

The Turkish Angora cat is another lovely Turkish cat breed that has a thing for H2O. The Turkish Angora cat is easily listed as one of the cat breeds that like water because they are simply drawn to it by nature. These water-curious felines will play in sinks, water bowls, faucets, or just about anywhere in their home where they can get their paws on some fresh water.

While their desire to get wet might not be as strong as their Turkish cat cousins the Vans, these cats still fall on many lists of cat breeds that love water because they can’t get enough of it and seek it out regularly in their homes.

#6 Abyssinian

Image of an Abyssinian cat, a breed known for its sleek and ticked coat, sitting alertly and showcasing its striking and agile appearance.

Abyssinians display their affinity for water by regularly playing in the water in their food bowls or gravitating to your cups of drinking water that you have out in your home.

Breed Overview
Abyssinian Origin:
? Where this breed was first established.
Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
Abyssinian Height:
? The typical adult height among individuals of this breed. Height is measured from the top of the head to the bottom of the front paws.
Abyssinian Adult Weight:
? The typical adult weight range of this cat breed.
6-12 pounds
Abyssinian Life Span:
? The average lifespan of the breed. While life expectancy is fairly consistent across all cat breeds, some breeds tend to live shorter or longer than others.
14-17+ years

The Abyssinian cat is a lovely ticked ginger tabby that is one of the most ancient cat breeds still in existence today. There is never a dull moment when you have an Abby in your life, as these energetic cats were born to keep themselves entertained.

Abyssinians display their affinity for water by regularly playing in the water in their food bowls or gravitating to your cups of drinking water that you have out in your home. And when it comes to faucets, they are never off-limits for this cat breed that loves water.

#7 Japanese Bobtail

Image of a Japanese Bobtail cat, known for its short, distinctive tail, sitting attentively and displaying its unique and captivating feature.

A cat breed that hails from their namesake, these unique water-loving felines are island-born cats that hold true to their roots.

Breed Overview
Japanese Bobtail Origin:
? Where this breed was first established.
Japanese Bobtail Height:
? The typical adult height among individuals of this breed. Height is measured from the top of the head to the bottom of the front paws.
Japanese Bobtail Adult Weight:
? The typical adult weight range of this cat breed.
6-10 pounds
Japanese Bobtail Life Span:
? The average lifespan of the breed. While life expectancy is fairly consistent across all cat breeds, some breeds tend to live shorter or longer than others.
9-13+ years

These absolutely adorable “bunny tail” cats are known to hop on over to water in their home—no questions asked. A cat breed that hails from their namesake, these unique water-loving felines are island-born cats that hold true to their roots.

While the Japanese Bobtail cat might not join you for a swim or plop themselves into your filled bathtub, don’t be surprised to find them dunking their toys in water, pawing water, or desiring to be near fresh running water in their homes.

If you know another cat lover in your life who would enjoy learning about cat breeds that like water, don’t forget to share this article with them. Want to learn why it is that so many cats seriously dislike water? Read about that here in this next article on Cats.com

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About Dr. Joanna Woodnutt, MRCVS

Dr. Woodnutt is a small animal veterinarian and cat behavior and nutrition writer. She's passionate about helping owners to learn more about their pets in order to improve animal welfare. In her spare time, Dr. Woodnutt takes consultations on the small island of Guernsey.