Making a video online can save you heaps and help you get your message across!
So, you’re going to a trade show and are looking to stand out from the crowd to attract potential investors/customers? Create an animated video online with Wideo to make your company really shine and attract attention.
Here’s a couple of reasons we have prepared earlier to demonstrate why that’s a good idea:
1. Video gets your message across in a visual & engaging way:
If a single picture is worth a thousand words, imagine how much more video communication can provide. Trade shows are meant to be fun and engaging, adding an online video will encourage attendee engagement in your exhibit.
2. Making a video online is no longer ridiculously expensive!
In the past, you had to spend thousands of dollars to make video online. With Wideo, you can create an engaging animated videos for pretty much FREE. And with using animations you are the editor, director, actor and producer!! You can feel free to create a few versions to suit your different target markets, and use them in your trade show marketing plan.
3. In your trade show marketing plan, you can use video in several different channels.
Forget the single screen inside the exhibit booth way of the past. These days you can embed your online video in emails, share it on social networks, add it to your website, etc. Maximise your exposure and viewing by sharing your Wideo over a few digital channels!
Using a Wideo for a trade show is a great way to make your company stand out from the crowd, which is exactly why you’re at the trade show in the first place. So to better enhance your trade show marketing, engage your attendees, and provide a creative alternative to your communications plans, USE A WIDEO!
Take a look some of our template on our explore page to see how a short Wideo can really help you show the audience you mean business!
Here is a great example of a Wideo made by Bamboo Consultants to promote their product:
It’s really interesting your product video.
I wonder to know what kind of exportation you have for your videos?.
And if the resulting video is private o public?.
Becouse, I would like to make a demo-reel to upload to my website, and to download to my computer.
Thanks for the reply.