Ojos Azules Cat: Characteristics, Personality, and Breed Information

Compare Breed
Ojos Azules
United States
8"- 10"
Adult weight
9-12 pounds
Life Span
10-12 years
Medium-sized short-haired
Affection Level
? Breeds with a high affection level want to give and receive a lot of attention, while less-affectionate breeds are not as interested in petting and snuggles.
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Activity Level
? Breeds with high activity levels will engage more in active play and demand more space and attention.
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? How well the breed tends to get along with cats, dogs, and other pets.
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? Breeds with a higher rating in this area tend to be gentle and patient, while lower-rated breeds may feel uncomfortable with children.
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? Breeds with a higher sociability rating will want to spend time with you all day, while less-sociable breeds seldom seek out human interaction.
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? Breeds with higher intelligence ratings are more curious, investigative, and easy to train. Less-intelligent breeds are less trainable but often laid-back and easygoing.
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? Breeds that score higher in this area have strong hunting instincts that make them great playtime companions.
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? Breeds that score higher in this area are able to spend hours alone, while less-independent breeds require plenty of attention.
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? A higher rating in this area indicates a breed prone to plenty of meowing and other vocalizations, while less-vocal breeds are happy to stay quiet.
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? Breeds with higher grooming scores require more maintenance like brushing and bathing, while lower-scored breeds are virtually maintenance-free.
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Personality and Temperament

In Spanish, Ojos Azules translates to "blue eyes." One look at the Ojos Azules cat, and you'll see exactly how this rare, beautiful breed got its name.

Because Ojos Azules cats are highly uncommon, you can count yourself extremely fortunate if you're able to bring one into your family. Not only are these cats exceptionally attractive, they are friendly, loyal, and playful. In short, The Ojos Azules is everything many people long for in a cat!

Ojos Azules cats like to snuggle and they thrive in an environment where they receive plenty of attention. These kitties don't like to be left alone for too long, and they appreciate their friends, whether those happen to be human family members or other pets. As you might've guessed, the Ojos Azules cat is capable of getting along very well with children, so long as they're respectful.

Temperament does play an important role when breeders select parents for an upcoming litter, so most offspring are friendly and personable, but there is an important caveat: as Ojos Azules cats must be carefully produced by outcrossing blue-eyed cats with those of other eye colors, the old saying that all cats are individuals is particularly true of this breed.

About the Ojos Azules Cat
Ojos Azules Cat Care










Ojos Azules cats have no special nutritional needs, however it's vital to offer the best possible food. If you're not feeding fresh food, ensure that you choose a commercial brand that relies on real meat or fish as the main ingredient, and that does not contain too many carbohydrates.

Ojos Azules cats may have long or short coats, so their families will need to offer grooming on a case-by-case basis, as needed. Frequent brushing can help remove loose hair, reducing shedding and helping to cut back on hairballs.

There are two other important grooming routines to consider when an Ojos Azules cat is part of your family. Regular toenail trimming can help save your furniture, your clothing, and your skin from damage, and toothbrushing can help keep your cat's breath fresher while preventing periodontal disease. Both routines should be gently taught from a young age.

Ojos Azules cats are just like others in that they love to run, jump, and climb. Treat your pet to a tall cat tree, a few scratchers, and plenty of toys to keep them entertained. With appropriate enrichment, your Ojos Azules cat will get all the exercise that's needed for good physical and mental health.

Unfortunately, The Ojos Azules cat is sometimes born with severe genetic defects including cranial deformities and a small curled tail. Some Ojos Azules cats are stillborn. These issues occur only with homozygous genes and not with heterozygous genes. Ojos Azules kittens that are born healthy do not typically suffer from deafness or crossed eyes, which are issues that sometimes plague other blue-eyed cats.


Just like many other unusual cat breeds, the Ojos Azules was discovered by accident. In 1984, a female tortoiseshell cat with striking blue eyes was found living in a feral cat colony in New Mexico.

This cat was named Cornflower, and was bred in an attempt to produce more blue-eyed kittens. Feline geneticist and TICA show judge Solveig Pfleuger is credited with helping to develop the breed and discovering the differences that occurred when breeding Ojos Azules cats with homozygous genes versus heterozygous genes.

The International Cat Association (TICA) granted the Ojos Azules cat recognition in 1991. There were only 10 known Ojos Azules cats in 1992, and today, there is an unknown number. What is known, is that the breed is exceptionally rare since the registry was discontinued and breeding was suspended due to the risk of cranial deformities. It is possible that Ojos Azules cat breeders exist outside formal registries.

Ojos Azules Cat History

The Ojos Azules cat breed standard was eliminated when breeding was suspended. The last known TICA breed standard for Ojos Azules cats was dated 2004; no other registry provides a standard.

About the Ojos Azules Cat

The Breed Standard


How much does a Ojos Azules cat cost?

Ojos Azules cats cost between $700-$1,500.

How big do Ojos Azules cats get?

Ojos Azules cats tend to be medium in size. A fully grown Ojos Azules cat might weigh between 9-12 pounds or more and range in height anywhere from about 8"- 10" inches tall.

How long do Ojos Azules cats live?

The Average lifespan for Ojos Azules is 10-12 years.

Do Ojos Azules cats shed?

Ojos Azules are short-haired cats. Therefore, they do not shed as much as long-haired cat breeds.

34 thoughts on “Ojos Azules”

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  1. b.rae meissel

    I have a ojos azules female cat. my second . didnt know what breed she was but I took her her in. she was left behind when a family left a home in Molalla, oregon . i was told her breed was mixed with a wild cat. we think she is about 8 or 9 yrs old. she’s never had kittens

  2. natty

    i have a boy ojos azules cat names Blu, hes a year and a half years. i was wondering if other ojos azules eyes go from a deep blue, to a lighter more baby blue?

    1. small mallory photoMallory Crusta

      Hi Natty, You don’t specify if Blu’s eyes have changed color during adulthood or earlier. While the Ojos Azules is known for its remarkably deep blue eyes, all cats’ eyes will go from dark blue to light blue as they grow up from kittens into adult cats.

      1. Jay

        I think I have an Ojos Azules. She’s a beautiful cat. They thought she was Siamese mix but after looking into cat breeds, I’m not so sure. She’s the most loving cat I’ve ever had, she NEVER wants to leave my side AT ALL. (I’m a stay at home person due to disability) she comes to me when I’m sad/crying or sick. She’s probably about 2 years old, rather slim but she loves to eat.

    2. Ryan Corinth

      Hi. I was just researching a cat I picked up. He’s same breed, and his name is also Blu, as he was named when we grabbed him from the humane society. I wonder if I now own your same cat.

  3. Margaret Davis

    I have a female Ojos Azules. She is the most loving cat I’ve ever owned. She is very devoted, sleeps wherever I sleep. She was a starving stray attacked by something that tore a 1 and 1/2 inch hole in her side. She was gone in freezing weather for 6 days. The vet did surgery and saved her!! Now she is mine! ❤❤❤

    1. Harmony S

      I have a male ojos azul his name is Rodger, he’s a special needs cat he had a upper respiratory infection and he also had asthma attack every 5 minutes when I first got him, had to rush him to the hospital and have him get breathing treatments and antibiotics. He wouldn’t take them in anything so I had to shove them down his throat. I hated doing that but its what saved his life. I still have him today. He’s a very loving cat.

  4. Allie

    I have found a cat approximately 1 years old who has many of these characteristics but I am still unsure as to whether she is an ojos azules or a siamese. Does anyone know how to know for sure?

    1. small mallory photoMallory Crusta

      Hi Allie, your cat is almost certainly not an Ojos Azules. Ojos Azules cats are no longer being bred—breeding and registration has ceased. Technically, no cat can be considered purebred unless they have the paperwork to show it, but it seems much more likely that your cat is a Siamese.

  5. Ruby

    I think I have an Ojos Azules cat. He is a 4 month old white and orange tabby. However, he stil didn’t change his eye colour. Will he change in the future? You can see his pictures from his brothers instagram acc- ruby_the_tuxie

    1. small mallory photoMallory Crusta

      Hi Ruby, it’s difficult to say from this comment or your photos on the Instagram page whether or not your cat is an Ojos Azules, but if a cat’s eyes have not changed color at 4 months, they won’t. Kittens reach their adult eye color by about 10 weeks of age.

  6. Harry G

    I got my my cat from the RSPCA, which classified her as ragdoll mix, but reading this article makes me believe she is this breed. She is extremely affectionate, playful and loyal. She knows the sound of my car and races to the front door to greet me. She follows me around the house. She also has the habit of licking my lips ❤️

  7. Ryan Corinth

    A past comment was posted about this breed being picked up with the name of Blu.
    I adopted an ojos azules cat from the humane society with the same name. (Was named when we got him) he looks identical to the cat in the picture with the link here. I wonder if I somehow ended up with the previous owners Blu.

    He’s an awesome cat. Big, affectionate, very friendly, and he just always wants to lay on my chest.

      1. Rachel

        I am pretty sure I have an Ojos Azules. How can I get in contact with someone to send pics and maybe see if he meets the critera and maybe get a DNA test done?

        1. small mallory photoMallory Crusta

          Hi Rachel, there’s a chance that you could take a DNA test and find that the cat has 100% Ojos Azules DNA—Wisdom Panel would probably be your best bet for this. The problem with sending in photos to get an assessment is that, officially, no cat without paperwork can be considered a purebred, even if a DNA test marks them as that breed.

  8. Kay

    I have a one year old female Ojos Azules cat. She was tossed onto a parking lot by her breeder (I guess). My daughter saw the whole incident along with another girl. The other girl was allergic to cats so my daughter called me and asked if we could keep her. I love animals so I couldn’t say no! She’s definitely everything this article describes! She’s definitely a great cat to have!

    1. Maria

      I have an Ojos Azules, I let her have kittens she did have a kitten with a cranial deformity it passed away shortly after birth all of her babies have blue eyes so far the remaining 4 are thriving. She has ears and a tail like a tortie and light brown spots on her back her base color is white. She does not desire to go outdoors and is obsessively social.

  9. Jessi

    I have a 4 year old Male named Stanley. He is everything this article describes. Such a joy to have him around. He follows me everywhere I go and always wants to lick and groom my hands.

    1. small mallory photoMallory Crusta

      Hi Mariana, Ojos Azules cats are extremely hard to find, and I don’t know of any Ojos Azules breeders who are selling their cats online—in fact, we don’t even have an estimate of how many individuals there are on the planet.

  10. Gerald

    Last week we took in a young male stray that had health issues and was apparently abandoned. By his blue eyes we thought Siamese mix, but then accidentally saw the Ojos Azules online, and his markings, coloring and behavior are a perfect match. If they’re no longer being bred, could he be a descendant of this breed? Unfortunately I’m unable to attach a picture with this comment.

    1. small mallory photoMallory Crusta

      Well, it’s possible, but it’s more likely that your new stray is, like most cats, not a cross of any combination of purebred cat at all. Many cats resemble the Ojos Azules without having any relation to the breed.

  11. Kat O

    I so love this blue-eyed beauty, I have two Ragdolls with blue eyes and would LOVE to have a blue-eyed black cat to finish out our little family… Just keep praying that one will come our way someday…

    1. Tumaris Hone

      Hi, I may know where you could get a black cat with these blue eyes. Apparently, they say the breed is Ojos Azules. There is a littler of kittens 7-8 weeks. Owner wants to find homes for them as soon as possible because he can’t take care of them. Address is in Davis, Ca.I could give you their number if your interested.

  12. Zedalya Nohemi

    I have a cat, during hollowen a nice lady gave me a cat and candy for my hollowen treat and seemed like ayew mouths old , he has the deepets blue eys and his color is not a solid one, and im wondering if he really is an ojos azules,know hes 3-4 years old

    1. small mallory photoMallory Crusta

      It’s very unlikely that he is an Ojos Azules. There were only 10 individuals in 1992, and official registration and breeding of these cats has been suspended due to the discovery of cranial deformities associated with the gene that makes cats’ eyes deep blue.

  13. Frankie Jo Ellis

    I have been feeding a beautiful baby boy with bright blue eyes. He looks exactly like the kitty in the picture, even to the white tipped tail.
    I know he is an Ojos Azules.

  14. Frankie Jo Ellis

    I have a beautiful kitty that I have been feeding. He has stunning blue eyes and looks exactly like the thumbnail kitty, all the way to the white tipped tail. I’ve never seen a cat that looks like this. I would bet my bottom dollar that he is an Ojos Azules.
