150 Best Space Names For Cats

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Since time immemorial, humanity has been fascinated by outer space, and all of its awe-inspiring grandeur and mystery. If you happen to be a space nerd as well as a cat person, giving your furry little friend a name from the cosmos couldn’t be more fitting. Here is a list of space-themed cat names for you to consider.

Male Cat Space Names

  1.  Apollo – The ancient Greek god of the sun and NASA’s Apollo program, which put the first man on the moon.
  2. Aries – One of the twelve constellations of the zodiac, Aries is represented by a ram.
  3.  Armstrong – named for Neil Armstrong, the first man to step on the moon.
  4.  Atlas – In ancient Greek mythology, Atlas holds the heavens, earth and celestial spheres upon his shoulders.
  5. Betelgeuse– One of the brightest stars in the solar system, the star sits in Orion’s Belt.
  6. Boba Fett – the cool bounty hunter character from the Star Wars movies.
  7. Buzz – Whether named after the astronaut Buzz Aldrin or Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story, Buzz is an adorable name for a cat.
  8. Captain Kirk – Captain James T. Kirk from the original Star Trek series turned William Shatner into a household name.
  9. Centaurus – One of the brightest constellations in the Southern sky.
  10. Chewbaca – Han Solo’s trusty Wookie side-kick, the large, lovable and furry alien Chewbaca would make for a memorable cat name.
  11. Copernicus – This Polish astronomer is perhaps most famous for his development of a model of our heliocentric universe.
  12. Cosmo – A beautiful name that refers to a harmonious system, and is most commonly used to describe our vast universe.
  13. Cthulhu – This fictional cosmic horror first showed up in H.P. Lovecraft’s short story “Call of Cthulu.”
  14. Data – This android character from Star Trek: Next Generation is most remembered for his reserved, robotic behavior and white skin.
  15. Draco – The Latin word for “dragon” or “serpent,” the Draco constellation sits in the Northern part of the night sky.

Cosmo – A beautiful name that refers to a harmonious system, and is most commonly used to describe our vast universe.

  1. Einstein – One of history’s greatest scientific geniuses.
  2. Galileo – This Italian astronomer is perhaps most famous for championing the correct heliocentric view of the solar system, a controversial stance during his time.
  3. Gemini – This zodiac constellation is represented by a set of twins, and could be a funny name for a cat with a Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde personality.
  4. Han Solo – Another classic sci-fi character, Harrison Ford played this dashing rogue turned hero in the Star Wars movies.
  5. Helios – The Greek word for “sun.”
  6. Hesperus – In Greek mythology, Hesperus is the “evening star.”
  7. Jupiter – The name of the largest and stormiest planet in the solar system, Jupiter was also the Roman version of Zeus, the god of the skies.
  8. Kepler – Johannes Kepler was a German scientist and astronomer whose scientific contributions occurred during the Scientific Revolution.
  9. Khonsu – The ancient Egyptian god of the moon, Khonsu means “traveler,” in reference to the moon’s apparent trek across the night sky.
  10. Leo – One of the zodiac constellations, which is appropriately represented by a lion.
  11. Lucifer – This diabolical name also means “morning star” or “light-bringer” in Latin.
  12. Luke – Named for Luke Skywalker, the central protagonist of Star Wars.
  13. Major Tom – David Bowie fans should recognize this fictional astronaut’s name from the classic rock ballad “Space Oddity.”
  14. Mars – Named for the Roman god of war, and the red planet in our solar system.
  15. Neptune – In Roman mythology, Neptune is the god of the sea and this planet is known for its deep blue color, making it a fitting name for a blue-eyed kitty.

Galileo – This Italian astronomer is perhaps most famous for championing the correct heliocentric view of the solar system, a controversial stance during his time.

  1. Newton – A reference to Sir Isaac Newton, a scientist whose genius included considerable contributions to astrophysics.
  2. Ophiuchus – Sometimes known as the “missing” or thirteenth zodiac constellation, Ophiuchus means “serpent bearer.”
  3. Orion – A giant hunter in Greek mythology, Zeus placed Orion as a constellation in the sky.
  4. Picard – Captain Jean-Luc Picard played the iconic role for Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  5. Pluto – Our solar system’s most distant dwarf planet is named for the Roman god of the Underworld.
  6. Polaris – Commonly known as “the North Star,” Polaris has been used for human navigation throughout history.
  7. Ptolemy – A mathematician and astronomer from ancient Rome.
  8. Rocket – A cute space-themed name for a cat who often gets the zoomies.
  9. Rover – Not just a name for dogs, the Mars Rover was sent by NASA to explore Mars.
  10. Saturn – In our solar system, Saturn is known for its distinctive rings. The planet is named for the Roman god of time.
  11. Shalim – An ancient Canaanite god that is identified as that culture’s “morning star.”
  12. Sir Isaac – A cute nod to scientist Sir Isaac Newton.
  13. Sirius – The brightest star in the night sky, Sirius means “glowing” or “scorching” in Greek.
  14. Spock – This one is for all the Trekkies – the Star Trek Vulcan named Spock remains one of pop culture’s most iconic fictional characters.
  15. Sunny – A cute name for a happy-go-lucky kitty – or a funny ironic name for a grumpy kitty.
  16. Taurus – This zodiac constellation is represented by a bull, making it a perfect space name for a particularly stubborn cat.
  17. Vader – Better known as Darth Vader, this Star Wars villain dressed in black from head to toe would be a fun name for a dark black cat.
  18. Vesper – The classical Latin word for “evening.”
  19. Vulcan – Not just the name for the fictional alien race and planet of Star Trek’s Spock character, Vulcan was also a theorized planet once believed to exist between Mercury and the Sun.
  20. Zenith – The highest point reached in the heavens by a celestial body.

Sir Isaac – A cute nod to scientist Sir Isaac Newton.

Female Cat Space Names

  1. Amaterasu – The goddess of the sun in Japanese mythology.
  2. Andromeda – This bright constellation and galaxy is named for the Phoenician princess who was placed in the night sky by the Greek goddess Athena.
  3. Asteria – A Greek name meaning “of the stars” or “starry one.”
  4. Aurora – Also known as the polar lights, an aurora is a brilliant light display caused by solar winds in Earth’s arctic skies
  5. Brigid – This Celtic goddess is considered a “triple moon goddess” that is represented by a waxing, full and waning moon.
  6. Callisto – One of Jupiter’s moons, this pretty name comes from a nymph in Greek mythology.
  7. Cassiopeia – A Phoenician queen in ancient Greek mythology, Cassiopeia became a constellation along with her daughter Andromeda.
  8. Celeste – A Latin name meaning “heavenly”  or “celestial.
  9. Chandra – A beautiful Sanskrit name meaning “shining” or “moon,” which also refers to the Hindu god of the moon.
  10. Corona – Not to be confused with the terrible pandemic, Corona actually means “crown” and refers to the outer atmosphere of the Sun or another star.
  11. Danica – The personification of the morning star in Slavic mythology.
  12. Dawn – The peaceful time that occurs just as day is breaking.
  13. Dia – An ancient Greek name meaning “heavenly,” and also a Jupiter moon.
  14. Diana – An ancient Roman goddess, Diana is a patroness of the countryside, hunters, crossroads, and the moon, and later became known as a “triple moon goddess” represented by a waxing, full, and waning moon.
  15. Eartha – Why not name your feline friend after Mother Earth herself?

Cassiopeia – A Phoenician queen in ancient Greek mythology, Cassiopeia became a constellation along with her daughter Andromeda.

  1. Eos – The ancient Greek goddess of the dawn, Eos is also the name of a group of asteroids located in the asteroid belt.
  2. Estelle – A form of the name “Stella,” which means “star.”
  3. Esther – A biblical heroine, her Persian name is likely derived from the Babylonian goddess Ishtar or from the Persian word for “star.”
  4. Europa – One of Jupiter’s moons, Europa was a Phoenician princess in Greek mythology.
  5. Gaia – In Greek mythology, Gaia is the personification of the Earth and the  mother of all life.
  6. Gamma – This Greek letter is often used in a variety of scientific terms, including gamma rays.
  7. Halley – Named for a comet that can be seen by the naked eye from Earth every 75-79 years.
  8. Hanwi – The moon goddess of the Sioux Native American tribe, her unique name means “night sun.”
  9. Hecate – Another triple moon Goddess, Hecate is the shadowy Greek goddess of witchcraft.
  10. Hemera – In ancient Greece, Hemera was the goddess and personification of the day.
  11. Io – One of Jupiter’s moons, the ancient Greeks also associated the priestess Io with the moon.
  12. Juno – The ancient patron goddess of Rome, who was married to Jove or Jupiter. Also the name of a NASA-launched space probe to Jupiter.
  13. Kokava – The Hebrew word for “star.”
  14. Libra – One of the twelve zodiac constellations, Libra is represented by a set of scales.
  15. Lilah – This lovely name means “night” in Hebrew.

Eos – The ancient Greek goddess of the dawn, Eos is also the name of a group of asteroids located in the asteroid belt.

  1. Luna – A lovely Latin name meaning “moon.”
  2. Mama Killa – In Incan mythology, this cute name refers to the goddess of the moon.
  3. Moon Child – The name given to the childlike Empress in the classic fantasy novel and movie, The Never Ending Story.
  4. Nebula – A Nebula is known as a star-forming region in space, such as in the “Pillars of Creation” in the Eagle Nebula.
  5. Nova – This Latin word for “new” also refers to a star that suddenly becomes tremendously bright before fading.
  6. Nyx – The Greek goddess of the night, Nyx is also the name for a mountain range on Venus, and also Pluto’s moon (spelled Nix).
  7. Phoebe – One of Saturn’s moons that means “shining.”
  8. Princess Leia – Played by Carrie Fisher, Princess Leia is the beloved fiery Star Wars protagonist.
  9. Ripley – Named for the main protagonist, Ellen Ripley, from the Alien movies.
  10. Roxanne -This name is derived from Persian meaning “bright star” In Kurdish, the name means “bright, sun, sunlight, sun god, day.”
  11. Selene – The name of the Greek goddess of the moon.
  12. Serenity – The name of the spaceship on the popular but short-lived space opera, Firefly.
  13. Soleil – The French word for “sun.”
  14. Stella – The Latin word for “star.”
  15. Thebe – One of Jupiter’s many moons, and named for one of Jupiter’s many nymph consorts. .
  16. Ursa – You have probably heard of Ursa Minor and Ursa Major, constellations with mythologies that likely date back to prehistory. Ursa means “bear” in Latin.
  17. Valentina – Valentina Tereshkova was the first and youngest woman in space.
  18. Venus – The hottest planet in our solar system, Venus is named for the ancient Roman goddess of love.
  19. Virgo – One of the constellations of the zodiac that is represented by a maiden.
  20. Zora – A name of Slavic origin that means “sunrise.”

Nebula – A Nebula is known as a star-forming region in space, such as in the “Pillars of Creation” in the Eagle Nebula.

 Unisex Cat Names

  1. Alpha – The first letter in the Greek alphabet, Alpha is also used for a variety of scientific terms.
  2. Asteroid – A funny name for a cat that likes to run around, full-speed ahead.
  3. Atom – The smallest unit of measurement for all matter, this would be a cute name for a smaller kitty.
  4. Charon – One of Pluto’s moons, Charon ferries souls across the river Styx to Hades, the Greek version of the afterlife.
  5. Comet – Another great name for a cat that loves to run.
  6. Crux – A constellation of the Southern sky that is centered on four bright stars in a cross-shape commonly known as the Southern Cross. The name “Crux” is Latin for “cross.”
  7. Cupid – One of Uranus’ moons.
  8. Dalek – A fictional extraterrestrial race of mutants from the British sci-fi television show Doctor Who.
  9. E.T. – A classic family movie from the 1980s, “E.T.” stands for “extra-terrestrial.”
  10. Eclipse – A term most often used to describe a solar eclipse, when the Moon’s shadow crosses the Earth’s surface, or a lunar eclipse, when the Moon moves into the Earth’s shadow.
  11. Equinox – A solar equinox happens when the Sun crosses the Earth’s equator, and appears to rise “due east” and set “due west”.
  12. Ewok – This alien race from Star Wars are as adorable as they are a perfect cat name.
  13. Firefly – Named for the popular and all too short-lived sci-fi drama of the same name.
  14. Flare – An intense eruption of electromagnetic radiation in the Sun’s atmosphere.
  15. Galaxy – A system of stars, planets, and other celestial bodies.

Equinox – A solar equinox happens when the Sun crosses the Earth’s equator, and appears to rise “due east” and set “due west”.

  1. Gravity – The thing that keeps us from floating around!
  2. Hubble – The Hubble Space Telescope was launched into Earth’s orbit and was named after astronomer Edwin Hubble.
  3. Hydra – One of Pluto’s moons and a constellation named for the many headed serpent monster from the ancient world.
  4. Indu – Another name for Chandra, the Sanskrit god of the moon.
  5. Lightspeed – Another funny name for a fast, zoomy cat!
  6. Loony – The term “lunatic” is based on “luna” the Latin name of the moon, and it is still commonly thought that people are affected by the moon, behaving “loony” when it’s at its fullest.
  7. Lynx – The Lynx X-ray Observatory is a NASA-funded study, and also happens to be a type of large cat.
  8. Lyra – A night sky constellation, In Greek mythology, Lyra represents the lyre of Orpheus.
  9. Martian – A fitting name for the oddball cat that you may suspect if from another planet.
  10. Meteor – A bright and beautiful shooting star.
  11. Milky – A reference to the milky way and great for a cream colored cat.
  12. Moonlight – a pretty name for a white or white and black cat, the colors of moonlight and night.
  13. Moony – A cute name that references the moon.
  14. Nasa – The National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States, NASA has a rich history and future of space exploration.
  15. Night Sky – A great name for a black or black and which cat.

Lynx – The Lynx X-ray Observatory is a NASA-funded study, and also happens to be a type of large cat.

  1. Olympus – The largest volcano in the solar system located on Mars.
  2. Orbit – Perfect for a cat that seems to orbit you and your every movement.
  3. Pisces – One of the constellations of the zodiac represented by fish.
  4. Scorpio – One of the constellations of the zodiac represented by a scorpion.
  5. Sky – A straightforward but fitting name!
  6. Space Cadet – If your kitty is an adorable weirdo,and you suspect you are living with a little alien instead of a cat, this funny name could be the one for your cat.
  7. Sputnik – The first artificial satellite launched into Earth’s orbit by the Soviet Union in the 1950s.
  8. Star – Perhaps a bit obvious, but there’s nothing necessarily wrong with that!
  9. Stardust – A pretty name commemorating the brilliance of the night sky.
  10. Starlight – A straightforward but whimsical name that could work for a male or female kitty.
  11. Starseed – A New Age belief that some of us originated in outer space – and maybe your cat did too!
  12. Styx – The river that separates the world of the living and the underworld, Styx is also a moon of Pluto.
  13. Syzygy – This fun sounding name refers to a roughly straight-line configuration of three or more celestial bodies in a gravitational system – when the “stars align.”
  14. Titan – One of Saturn’s moons, and a race of Greek deities in ancient mythology.
  15. Twilight – The tranquil time of evening, just before it becomes night.
  16. Twinkle – Everyone knows Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, right?
  17. Vega – The brightest star in the northern constellation of Lyra.
  18. Voyager – A scientific program that employs two robotic interstellar probes, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2.
  19. Wookie – A fictional alien species that Chewbaca belongs to in Star Wars.
  20. Zodiac – In Western astrology, and formerly astronomy, the zodiac constellations are divided into twelve signs with symbolic meanings behind them..

Space may be the final frontier, but its vastness is precisely what makes it a perfect gold mine for amazing pet names. Hopefully you found something there that will work for naming your furry friend.

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About Ma'ayan Gutbezahl

Maayan is a senior content editor on the Cats.com team. Over the course of her career, she has written on a wide variety of topics that reflect her many interests, from video game reviews to animal and pet care; and from rock music to international social issues. In her spare time she enjoys hanging out with her family, drinking tea with a good book and one of her cats in her lap, and deep diving into new hobbies and exploring new interests.